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"What the hell! How did you get the video?" I asked Derin, giving her back her phone and putting my hands on my waist.

"It was sent by one of Glory's minions to the school's group chat, everyone is talking about it." Derin said, dropping her phone on the bed.

"Don't think about it babe, just call him to ask him about it before you conclude. You know that Glory acts like someone that is possessed." Ziora chimed in, getting up from where she was sitting to sit beside me. She held my hand with one hand and rubbed my back with the other.

"Don't call him, get would have seen the video by now, he'll have to call you himself." Zikora hissed, I didn't even know how to feel about the whole situation. This was my first relationship, I have never been cheated on before so I didn't even know how to feel.

"I'll just act like I didn't see anything. My mom said I should call you guys, breakfast is ready." I sighed, getting up from the chair and leaving the room. I left the house and went to sit under the only tree in my compound, it was a barren mango tree.

I stood up from the chair and started pacing the compound, my heart was beating fast and my palms were sweaty. I was already too exhausted from what was happening and now this happened? I don't know if I felt bad about the fact that he cheated on me or I just felt bad that it was with Glory of all people. The most arrogant girl at school, that feels like everyone should worship her because she's an Instagram model and influencer.

I scoffed and walked back into the house. I would not let anyone make me lose my peace of mind, I got into the kitchen to see the girls all sitting down with chicken and chips on their plates.

"Yours is in the microwave, Otito almost stole your chicken but being the nice person that I am, I didn't let her." Ziora boasted, with a proud smile on her face. I rolled my eyes and sat down beside Zikora.

"She knows I'll kill her if she tries any rubbish." Zikora giggled and they began to gist about random things. My mind wasn't even on what they were saying, I stared at the girls and smiled at how happy they were.

"Zara." I heard Zikora scream.

I winced at the sound of her voice and glared at her.

"Why did you shout like that?" I whined, pouting and batting my eyelashes.

"Because you spaced out on us, what is going through that your small skull?" She pried, taking a chip from my plate. I hit her hands and sighed.

"I was just thinking about how things will be when all these ended."

I was at the park in my estate, the girls had all gone to their houses. Derin left an hour after the twins had gone. I was sitting on the bench in the pack, with a cone of ice cream in my hands and with my ear piece in my ear. Billie Eillish's Ocean Eyes were blasting through my ear buds. I was lost in my own world when I felt someone touch my shoulder. I turned and saw William, I groaned internally and sighed.

"You've been ignoring my calls." He started, sitting down beside me, I removed one of the ear buds and looked at him. "I can actually explain what that video was, it was nothing really. It was just a stupid game wee were playing, I thought they deleted the video." I raised up one of my eyebrows and smiled.

"So you couldn't even tell me something like that happened,I had to find out through a leaked video." I spat and he winced at the tone I used.

"We weren't even talking, Zara. This is the first time I'm seeing you in weeks, we hardly chat or even talk on the phone." He groaned. "Look, it was just a game and you have to trust me. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you and you know that." His once bright eyes were now dull like he hadn't slept in days, his lips were no longer as pink as they used to be.

Can You Keep A Secret [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now