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"What does that even mean?" Ziora asked, staring at the paper. I shrugged, biting my finger nails.

I begged Luka to drive me to the twins' house, I told my mom I was going for a sleepover and she didn't even answer me. He dropped me off about ten minutes ago and I was currently in their room, showing them the note I got today.

I called Derin on my way to their house and all she did was groan throughout the call. I couldn't even say the main reason because Luka was with me and I didn't want him to go and spill things to my mom.

"That's the thing, I don't even know. I know it means something and I'm still trying to know who's sending these notes and texts. I can't believe that someone was watching me today at the park." I shivered at the thought of someone watching my every move. I felt the hairs on my arms rise.

Zikora's fair skin was red, Zikora just laid on her bed like she didn't want to be bothered. My phone was on top of the bed, just beside Zikora. I walked towards the bed and laid down too, folding my legs till they reached my chest.

"So what are we going to do now?" Ziora questioned, dropping the note on the table and using their pencil case to keep it in place.

"Nothing. We do nothing, I'm tired of trying to fix things and then they just get worse. Ò wrong now." Zikora hissed and we heard the doorbell ring. Ziora left the room to check who was at the door, she came back two minutes later with Derin.

"What happened? Hope it's nothing bad?" She asked as soon as she set foot into the room, she was putting on a black joggers and white polo. Her braids were packed in a ponytail, her strawberry perfume filled the air.

Ziora stretched the note towards Derin, who groaned immediately she read what was written on it.

"This handwriting looks familiar though. I've seen it somewhere but I can't place where." She sighed, rubbing her temple and dropping the note back on the table.

"Really? I also said the same thing too, didn't I?" Ziora chimed in and Zikora and I both looked at her, looked at ourselves and hissed before we all burst into laughter.

"The person is in our class, Zara and I's class." She continued. "But I don't know who it is. I'll try to think though." She sat down on the bed, pushing my widely spread legs to create room for herself.

My phone suddenly rang and we all jumped. I picked it up from the bed and I peeped the caller ID and saw William's name and picture.

I picked the call and left the room for the corridor.

"Hey baby, I'm outside the twins' house. Come and take the stuff you asked for." I heard his deep croaky voice say from the other end. I cut the call and told the girls where I was going.

Ziora volunteered to help me pick some of the things I asked for. William was seated in his 2019 Lexus RX 350 with the windows up. I could see him moving his head up and down, I knocked on his window and he unlocked the car while I got into the front seat, Ziora slid into the back.

I pecked him as soon as I made myself comfortable. He gave me a box of doughnuts and four cups of milkshakes. I gave Ziora the doughnuts to take inside and she left William and I in the car.

"So are you still up for the date tomorrow?" He asked, removing a strand of hair from my face.

"Yes, of course. I'll be going to my house tomorrow morning so you'll just pick me up there." He nodded and kissed me, before allowing me to go.

Can You Keep A Secret [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now