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"Jesus! Calm down Zara, it's just me."

"Luka? What are you doing here?"

He rolled his eyes and stretched his hand, signalling for me to give him the picture I wanted to use to break his head.

"This is my father's house Zara. Besides, I'm done for the session and why are you being so jumpy." He asked and I sighed, helping him with his bags. I would have hugged him but in my family, we weren't really big on affections.

"Mummy didn't tell you about Kay Kay?" I eyed him to see his expression. One thing about my brother was the fact that he could mask his emotions and you won't even tell what he's feeling.

"Nope! She didn't."

I started walking up the stairs to his room, to help him drop his bag. "Well, Kay Kay died about two months ago. It was a murder by the way and things went pretty downhill from there. My friends and I started getting threats and we ended up finding out that her boyfriend killed her. Crazy right?" I asked, dropping his things on the rug in his room and lying down on his bed.

"I guess,how come you're at home? Isn't school still in session?" I sighed again and rolled my eyes.

"We were given a compulsory holiday, another person died in the school. Everything is just so messed up."

He hummed and carried his things to his closet. I watched him as he arranged his stuff neatly. My brother always acted like he had OCD or something, he was also very organized.

"You guys actually needed that compulsory holiday. You've been through a lot and if you ask me, I think you need a therapist Zara. But knowing how stubborn you are, you won't listen to me."

"I'm not stubborn." I retorted. He hummed like he was trying to mock me.

"I'm so hungry, is there food at home? Can you get me something to eat please?" Luka asked in the nicest way he could; that is, trying to do puppy dog eyes.

I scoffed and left his room. I was walking down the stairs when my phone beeped. I saw a text from William, I quickly replied him. I got to the kitchen and sat down on one of the stools, we kept on texting like that and I literally forgot why I went to the kitchen in the first place.

"See the person I asked to bring food for me. The she goat is here pressing her phone and who's even making you smile like that self?" Luka asked, eyeing me from across the kitchen. His arms were folded across his chest and he was doing this thing with his face where you won't know if he's angry or not.

"I'm so sorry, I forgot."

He hummed. "Why won't you forget when one boy is twisting your brain?"

"Stop now! So how is Ifeoma?" Ifeoma is Luka's girlfriend. They've been dating since their high school days, they're literally goals.

He blushed as soon as I mentioned her name. "Ifeoma is fine, she's coming over next week. She said she misses you."

I cooed and touched my chest. "I'm really touched. I'll love to stick around and chat but I'm a busy young lady.

"I'm a busy young lady." My brother mocked me as I left the kitchen.

I got into my room and shut the door, I just wanted to relax and be taken care of. Is that so hard to understand?

I dropped my phone by my bedside and laid on my bed, I needed to get some sleep.

I couldn't even remember my dream but the sound of my door handle woke me up. I stayed still with my eyes open, looking at the door.

Someone was trying to open it and the person was doing it slowly. I came down from my bed and tip toed into my closet, opened one of the drawers and took out the pepper spray my mom bought for me after I returned from school.

I stood in a good position and waited for the unfortunate human being. Without a second thought, I sprayed it as soon as the door opened.

I regretted it immediately I did it, Otito was the person behind the door. Her loud scream made everyone rush to my room.

"What happened?" My mom asked, as she got to my room.

"She pepper sprayed me! Mummy my eyes! I can't see anything." Otito literally yelled.

"I'm so sorry, it's not my fault now! Why were you opening my door in slow motion? Is that how normal human beings do things?" I said, trying to defend myself.

"Zara drop that thing and come and help me with your sister." Luka carried Otito away and they all left my room.

"I was trying to show you my new bracelet but what do I get in return? Violence!" My sister whined and I rolled my eyes, of course she was going to be dramatic.

I began to feel Luka was right, I do need to see a therapist. I'm not sure I'll be okay if I don't. I dropped the pepper spray and left my room to my mom's room.

After dealing with Otito's drama, I went to the parlor to watch a movie. They were showing Legacies and I suddenly became compelled to watch. After watching an episode, my mom called me to help her out in the kitchen.

I was helping her cut the vegetables when she cleared her throat,I knew she wanted to say something but I just wanted to hear what it was.

"Luka told me what happened today, how you were jumpy when he came in and then this thing that happened with Otito today made me feel you really need to go to a therapist." She paused, dropped the spices she was holding and lowered the heat of the gas.

"Sit down, let's talk." She pointed a chair close to me and I sat down on it.

"How have you been feeling lately? I know it was hard for you to experience all that trauma, loosing two friends in the space of a month is a really big deal. I can talk to your friend's parents, you all can go for the therapy session together."

"Mummy don't get me wrong oh, I really want to go but I don't know if I feel comfortable, telling a complete stranger things about me."

"That's the point. Since you came back, I've been asking you what happened but you have refused to say anything." She said, demonstrating with her hands.

"Mummy, I don't know but I'll give it a try." It's actually useless, trying to argue with my mom. It's like pouring water on a rock. Anytime she tries to have an argument with my dad, he always replies with "you're right." He said it has saved him a lot of stress.

My mom touched my face and smiled, she continued doing what she was doing and brought up small topics. After making dinner, I served everyone. We prayed and we ate, Otito's eyes were still very red but she didn't seem to mind. The speed at which she used in eating her food was alarming.

After everyone finished eating, I washed the plates and cleaned the kitchen cabinet.

I looked at the time at it was past 8. I was already tired so I just walked to my bathroom for my hygiene. After brushing and having my bath, I put my hair in my bonnet and wore my nightie.

I knelt down by my bedside and said a short prayer. After that, I tucked myself into my duvet. I picked up my phone from my bedside, I immediately got a text from Derin. I smiled and opened it and my heart began to race.

"Someone is in my house. I'm scared!"

I suddenly couldn't sleep anymore.

Okay, another chapter is up! I hope you guys enjoy it. Please don't forget to vote, comment and share!! I'll try to be updating regularly. Thanks guys!!

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