2 - Soukai Nation

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Y/n's POV.

This is all my fault, I should be more aware on my surroundings and NEVER EVER LET my guard down. Now, my master receives a few minor wounds and make her life even more..resentful. If I could only use my sword to cut that stupid danger beast and burn it in time, this wasn't going to happen at the first place.

*Sigh* I failed my first mission. What a shame..

But thanks to Hinowa and that loud midget called Tobari, they helped us and treated Akame's wounds. They've also provide a new warm clothes for her. She's asking me to wear one of those human clothes which I refuse. I have my own clothes as an imperial arms so I don't need to change my clothing system unless..my master wants to.

Currently, i am sitting on the rooftop, silently gazing the blue clear sky while waiting for Akame to wake up. I want to wait beside her but..a bunch of pests were already getting on my nerves. Hinowa surely is a kindhearted person to adopt a bunch of animals in her home, well..she welcomed us without any questions so..I won't judge her.

However, those animals were so incredibly annoying.

They've kept scratching my wings, landing on my face like a good landing spot and they were all gathering and snuggling up to me at night. I wish they were all scared of me so I would have my own peace and tranquility inside. But the more I intimidate them, they were only getting more attracted and somewhat clingy on me.

So..that's why i ended up in here. The other reason is i need the sun's warm rays to keep me recharge and help Akame to recover. Since she had my mark on her neck, I can transfer my healing abilities to heal her wounds faster than a normal human body could do. There is a mild consequence once i transfer my power to heal someone. It drastically drains my energy down and making me exhausted.

But..this is for Akame so I will bear that consequences no matter how exhausting it is.

Within a few moments, I sigh in relief once I heard her sweet voice faintly echoing inside. She's finally awake. I was going to continue to sunbathe to get the energy that I've lost when Akame calls my name again but this time, it was now in a worrying tone. I sigh once again and stood up, outstretched my black wings and carefully descend to meet my master's worried expression.

Akame's POV.

I woke up in a soft, comfy bed..alone. Y/n's not here and were not on the boat now. W-where am I? Where's Y/n? Where did she go? I slowly sat up and see that my arms, legs and body were all covered with clean bandages.

Akame: Y-Y/n?

I called her name but she didn't show up, this makes my heart beats fast and feel worried. When i call her name once more, I heard someone descends then, i heard voices too outside, I push myself to stand up and opened the door to see who are they. I saw two girls having a spar on each other, they've stopped once they saw me and ran towards my direction.

???: Ooh, welcome back to the land of the living!

???: You shouldn't push yourself or walk around.

Akame: Y..you guys took care of my wounds?

???: Yeah, we got the impression something happened so we didn't call for a doctor. The village elder said you'd heal on your own.

???: And I, gathered a bunch of extra herbs and bandages for you so I hope you're thankful unlike your weapon there.. And seriously? That girl has a serious attitude problems.

Akame: (my weapon?..) Where is she?

???: She's up there, probably avoiding Hinowa's annoying pets.

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