8 - Shadow Duel

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Yomihime's POV.

I was wondering who's causing this riot, a couple of kids. The two girls in front of me quickly got into their stance and seem didn't know the difference of my power against theirs. Idiots.

Yomihime: Impressive, considering your weapons aren't even "Meihou"

The girl looks at me intensely. Wait? This girl..

Yomihime: Didn't we met before? You..you're the one on the waters of Ryuumon Castle?

Hinowa: What?

Yomihime: But..that's..odd, I'm pretty sure that I killed you.

Hinowa: You..I'd heard that my mother died in battle. So it was you!

Yomihime: You're her daughter? What a small wor-..

???: Captain Hinowa!! Please get away! She's..she's too strong!!

Tobari: A-Ha! So you're the enemy commander! You're mine now!

I quickly sliced this loud girl before she could even strike me back. How so slow..amateurs.

Tobari: Ack!

Hinowa: Tobari!!

The girl rolled a few distance away from us. I looked to the girl who's the daughter of that woman I burned at the Ryuumon Castle.

Yomihime: I'll send you where I sent your mother.

My Meihou starts to emit flames and I formed a battle stance. The girl seems unfazed and quickly get into her stance.

Yomihime: Go and walk..to hell. So you and your mother can have something to discuss in the underworld..I will tell you my name. I am Yomihime. Remember that.

I swiftly made a full swing attack and the girl is going to blocked it with her sword. She didn't know that her weapon will only break and I can still cut and burn her but the girl parried my attack. Not bad. I tried to attack swiftly once more and yet she can still compete to me. So there's still good warriors in Soukai nation. I thought they're only a bunch of fishermen and pirates.

Yomihime: You're still a bud.

I raised my Meihou up and planning to cut her down when i quickly sliced an arrow that almost pierced my head. And this girl quickly lunges at me but I dodges her.

This girl is getting to my nerves. I parried a sword that flew straight towards my direction and saw within my peripherals that the one who threw the sword is the girl whom I firstly cut earlier. And the girl is going to give me another blow.

I powered my Meihou and started to get serious.

Yomihime: Know this, there are some walls that cannot be scaled by sheer will alone.

I was going to strike this girl with my Meihou when out of nowhere, something appeared out of her shadow and quickly hit my sword. I quickly held my sword with my other hand to withstand the power but it still made me flew a few inch away from the girl.

My eyes widened when I saw two girls standing in front of my opponent. One had some weird tattoos on her arms and the other one..what is she? She had black bat wings and she seems a half human and half beast..

Before I could even think, I saw the half human half beast in front of me and going to give me a hard blow, I didn't even think twice and used my Meihou to create an explosion and make that thing take a distance away from me.

I stood up and get into my battle stance, the explosion made the dusty smoke covered all over the place and I am relying on my instincts.

Yomihime: Who is tha-..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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