5 - Bewildered Thoughts

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Y/n's POV.

It's almost sunset when I got back to Hinowa's house. I need to get rid of the bloodstains first so they wouldn't get scared and get a wrong impression towards me. As much as I wanted to be feared, nows not the rightful time to show it.

As for the girl whom I met on the woods earlier, she's really something, I can tell. Her Radiance is completely different from Hinowa and to the others. She did not even say something useful but..when i observed her movements, one things for sure. She's a strong opponent that cannot be underestimate at any cost.

Should I tell that encounter to Akame?

I'm hesitating..

I don't want her to worry so much. I'm afraid that it may take a negative effect towards her recovery.


I'd better keep it. For her sake.

After all, when the time we crossed paths again, I'll be her opponent..

Akame: Y/n?

I quickly set my eyes onto my master who's silently taking a good relaxation at the hot spring with Hinowa and Tobari. Her crimson eyes yields a disturbing expression yet immediately vanished once she looked on my direction and let out a small smile.

Y/n: Yes?

Akame: Come here.

Bewildered by her command, I'd choose do what was she told. As soon as i stand on her side, she motions her hand to me to crouch down so I did and move closer on her.

Y/n: What is it?

Akame: ..

She didn't say anything and still wearing that smile of hers which made me hell confused. I was going to asked her why when the loud midget surprisingly appears in front of us and immediately grabbed my wrists.


Before I could even teleport away from her grasp, she powerfully flipped me into the spring and fell in the middle of it with a loud splash.

Tobari: Ha ha ha! VENGEANCE is all MINE!!

Hinowa: *sigh*

I slowly stoop up and wiped my soaked face emotionlessly to show my murderous glare to her.

Y/n: You..little...

I was going to take her down once again but Akame stopped me and shook her head no. I let out a shallow sigh before letting this loud midget's trick go and looked down to see my clothes are fully soaked too.

Great. Just great. She used my master to trick me and do that childish move to me.

Hinowa: I'm sorry Y/n. I tried to stop them but..

Y/n: It's fine. Now were even.

Tobari: See? I told ya she didn't get mad Hinowa. *grin*

Hinowa: *face palm*

Akame: Why don't you join us here to relax? I know you're exhausted from your long exploration earlier. *smile*

I'm not that kind of tired but..I guess, I need to relax I mean..killing six weaker men isn't good for my conscience and health as well..

I simply nod and slowly take my clothes off. My clothes turns into a blackish goo and return into my shadow void. I heard the loud midget's victorious laugh stops and replaced by an eerie gasp.

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