4 - Unfortunate Events

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Y/n's POV.

Akame and I were silently sitting on the terrace while watching the loud midget and Hinowa's friendly duel in front of us. I know that her training isn't finished yet but..in order to see if she improves or not, this is the other way I knew to test her out without getting a suspicion from her or..from my own master.

Akame: Are you really sure about this Y/n? I mean you're only supervising her for about a week?

Y/n: Yes. It maybe harsh but..I need to. She will not grow when things are easy, she'll grow and excel when things get difficult.

Akame: ...

I sounded like a strict proctor but, if this Nation is in the middle of a war, then..I need her to be more stronger and capable of dealing the undeniable horrors inside of it.

Tobari: You've gotten tougher Hinowa! It feels like you've gained a lot of experience from that cold creepy Beastly huh? *Smile*

Hinowa: Tobari, how many times do I have to tell you stop calling her Beastly, she has a name so address her pro-per-ly.


Like always, she's very easy to get distracted and her accuracy needs to be improved. Her stance and reflexes were okay, but..no matter how good or great she is right now, if she's still hesitating.

Her training will be useless.

Y/n: Focus, watch your enemy's movements, don't let any single detail escapes or she'll turn the tides before you even know it.

Hinowa: G-Got it!

Tobari: To late for your preachings Beastly! Number Twenty-Four! SUDDEN DEATH! TOBARI SLICE!

Tobari dashed in and made a straight thrust which Hinowa easily dodged it by jumping upwards and take a safe distance way from her opponent.

Good, she's now back in her own pace but that's not enough..she's still lacking..

Tobari: Heh, nice dodge but running away isn't a good idea, ya know?

Hinowa: ...yeah.

Tobari charges again and she just do a dodge and deflect routine again, which i frowned and make the small brat laugh in triumphant. What is she doing? Why is she running?

Tobari: Oi! What's the matter? Gonna run again?

She made another direct attack for the second time but then realized that Hinowa's standing on a huge boulder rock, if she continues her technique, it would be a one painful impact if she smashes herself there so the loud midget have no choice but to stop. As soon as she did, Hinowa swiftly take the opportunity and charges at Tobari with her shinai up above on her head and do a quick downward slash hitting Tobari's forehead and settle the brat down to the ground.

Well, Not bad..for a protege.

Tobari: Oooooww..

Hinowa: I-i..won. I WON!? Did you see that Y/n, Akame?

Y/n: Even though you're still hesitating, you managed to take down the enemy within it's own ignorance. Well done, Hinowa.

Hinowa: Thanks Y/n. *smile*

Tobari: Hey! Who'd you call an ignorant huh?! Are you picking for a fight with me?

Y/n: I'm just saying what I've observe, loud midget.

Tobari: Grr...YOU! I'm challenging you right here and NOW!?

She's really getting into my nerves too..like Hinowa's pesky pets.

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