Chapter 9

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Punch me in the really please I give you permission.....I haven't updated in over a MONTH....I'm such a terrible person I have just been so fought up in my other stories I haven't updated....I feel so bad...I'm just going to let you read now...


I'm going to die...yep this is the end. Good bye world. It's been nice knowing you. Please don't forget to feed my goldfish. Welp good bye everyone Leah will be dieing any min. Now.

Braylan stood inches away from my face. I could smell the mintyness from her gum. She was turning red and looked all around me. Liam just stood awkwardly behind us. He actually kinda looked scared out of his mind.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE" Braylan screamed.

"I-I was changing" I struggled out as she neared closer to me.

"YOU DON......." Braylan started but then stopped and stared at my phone.

I didn't really understand the swift movement when she grabbed my phone.

"NO GIVE THAT BACK" I screamed as she started to run out.

"Liam grab her and bring her outside." She screamed back.

"NO" I cried as I felt large arms wrap around me. "Get off please stop" I cried.

"Stop squirming" Liam said as he straightened me out.

We walked out side to see Braylan standing on a table and looking through my phone laughing. Please kill me now just strike me down. What could she possibly be doing. I was wondering when Liam sat me down and Braylan spoke up.

"Hey everybody how are you. Well you see that girl right there. Yea I know she stands out with her fat body and horrifying face." She said pointing to me. "We'll I got her phone and it's very interesting. Like this." She started as she cleared her throat.

"To: Leroy

No i like you to Leroy........i really like you.........whenever you text me............i get a feeling in my heart that is like a firecracker going off for the first time on the fourth of July......Im falling for you to" Braylan said in a girly voice as she read my texts.

I buried my face in my arms...please just kill me.

"I tink our wittle Leah is in Wuv." Braylan said in a baby voice.

Laughs around the commons broke out. Thank goodness not everyone is here because of the rally.

"To bad to... I don't think he likes you back...what did he call you again...oh yea a stuck up snob. To bad he missed fat, ugly, horrendous, greasy, poor, dirty, slob...nobody likes you Leah or should I say Anna. I bet you made up the person so you could talk to someone. It's unrealistic that anyone would like you Leah...nobody wants you here. Apparently not even your own mother. She left, and probably because of you." Braylan said.

I couldn't take it anymore I smacked her..,,yep SMACKED IN THE FACE. As soon as I did it I ran, ran from her, ran from school, ran from all of the other people, and ran from my life....but it seemed to catch up to me as I slammed into someone.

"Sorry" I apologized as I looked up and noticed it was Niall.

Why do you hate me lord I just want to know??

"It's fine.....hey are you ok" he asked as he looked at my arm.

Crap my sleeve went up and my scars and cuts were showing. And he was just starring down at my wrists. I quickly pulled down my sleeves.

"Um yea it's um yea" I said awkwardly.

"Those...those were cuts." Niall said.

"Yea my cat hates me" I replied with a lie.

He just looked at me with a sad expression.

"So you going to beat the crap out of me now or later. I would prefer later because I kinda need to get out of here." I asked.

"Leah him not going to hurt you...I have changed I promise." Niall said.

I took a good look at Niall...he looked somewhat different. He had on a red polo and some tan chinos. Usually he wears leather or dark jean. He also seemed to have a different kind of glow in his eye than the normal 'I'm going to kill you' glow. Has Niall really changed. Now that I think about it...throughout all my beatings Niall never really touched me, he only did when Braylan told him. And as he did it he always seemed to almost be crying. Has he actually been this way in a long time and I have just been stupid to notice.

"For some reason and I don't know why...I believe you." I said in disbelief.

I think he was pretty shocked to because he dropped all of his books as he stared at me with a strange look. "Y-you actually believe me." He asked.

"Yea?" I questioned.

"We'll up I really don't know what to say right now, umm want to hang out after school" he asked.

That is weird I just believe him. I don't what to marry the boy and mostly hang out. But how do I turn him down. For some reason It felt like I should go. WHAT IS UP WITH MY MIND AND IT'S BIPOLARNISS!

Should I go or should I stay. I-i just don't know for sure if he has changed. Then all of the sudden my phone went off.

From: Leroy

I'm sorry...I guess I didn't ask what happened...I'm sorry will you forgive me...I miss talking to you everyday...we should just live life in the moment and take chances and not think about what could happen...and if something does happen learn all the facts...I miss you.

Reading that opened up a lot of things in my mind. Like with Niall...maybe I should just take the chance...what's the worst that could happen.

I quickly texted back Leroy.

To: Leroy

I missed you to...and ditto.

And then I looked up to Niall.

"Y-yea why not. We should hang out." I said

Hopefully I won't regret this.

Text Me ~Editing~Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora