Chsapter 7

691 11 7


ok so so so so so sorry for not updating in a while i have so much school.......well here it is

and im going to start doing something......the best comment i get will get a dedication


Leah's p.o.v

I felt something move from under my head....where am I?

i slowly open my eyes to be greeted by the brightest light i have ever seen in my life, the sun.

Wait did i sleep on a bench, i looked around a bit and saw that i was in fact sleeping on the bench, but something was different, my head was resting on somebody's lap?

I slowly sat up feeling all the pain for sleeping on that bench, i stretched and rubbed my eyes......then it hit me, that convo i had last night with that stranger, he was sitting next to me, i slowly turned my head to see who the mystery person was.

As soon as i saw i jumped up and RAN, i had to get out of there fast, or he would get me.

I ran and ran until i couldn't run anymore, I stopped outside of a Starbucks to breathe.....i couldn't believe who it was that i told my story to, that i confided in, the person who told me that im of worth......was non other than Harry of my tormentors.

I couldn't believe it, he has been abusing and tormenting me for years, yet he was there last night making me feel like i actually mean something.

i looked for my phone to look at the time......but i couldn't find it!

i freaked out and emptied every one of my pockets looking for it, but it was nowhere to be seen...i quickly ran to the nearest pay phone and punched in my number.

It was ringing for a long time until I finally heard someone pick up.

"Hello" Someone said with a morning voice.

"Um hi.....may i ask who this might be" i asked wondering who had my phone and hoping it was not who i thought it was.

"Ummm im Harry, is this Leah, because this is her phone....i think" he said.

I was speechless for a few seconds.....CRAP what am i going to do , he has my phone and i kinda need that back.

"HELLO ARE YOU STILL THERE" Harry screamed into the phone making me jump out of my thoughts.

"Um yea and it is me Leah.....and i kind of need my phone back....but i think it would be best if you just brought it to Starbucks and left it with the cashier and then i could come and get it" i said not wanting to come into contact with him.

"Leah why dont you trust me.....i tried last night to help you and show you that i have changed, why wont you understand that, i have really changed and im SO SO SO sorry for what i have done to you over the years, and for what you said last night in the park......i care for you and you are of worth you are a very Very special person not to mention beautiful and you dont deserve what you got from us.....i cant apologize enough for what i did to you...but i have left Braylans group and so has Niall, we were tired of how she treated you and we realized that she is truly evil, Leah im sorry....will you forgive me?" Harry said to me without stopping.

I stood there for a second......."No Harry im sorry, but i cant forgive you, just please return my phone" i said as i hung up.

I couldn't forgive him for what he had been doing to me for so long. Does he think that he can just apologize over a phone call and expect me to be all yippy skippy about it and forgive him.....WRONG...he didn't have to live the life i have lived for so long.

I waited in Starbucks all the way in the back waiting for Harry to return my phone and thinking about that thing he did to me once.


"Please stop" i screamed as i was pushed to the ground.

"Why should i stop for a loser like you" Harry said as he stood over me.

"I haven't done anything to you why do you do this to me" i asked as i was kicked in the back.

"You just being you has done something to me" he said as he picked me up and punched me into the gut.

"But im me and i cant help that" i said


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I dont know why but that day has hurt me for a long time.....not just the physical harm but his words. I could never forgive him.

I was sitting there when Harry came in. I hid under my jacket as i watched him give the cashier my phone and walk out.

I walked up to the cashier and got my phone back. I looked through it to see if he did anything to it.....there were a couple things that were different.

The first thing that was different was that his number was in my phone which most likely meant that he had my number. But what scared me the most was that he texted someone.....and it wasn't just anyone, It was Leroy!?!?!?!


Hey well that is the end of this chapter.

What do you think of what Harry said to Leah??

Do you think Leah should of forgiven him??

What do you think Harry said to Leroy??

What do you think is to come???

dont forget the best comment gets a dedication

Love ya

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