Chapter 5

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ok do you see that awesome cover over there---------------------------->

yep well that awesome cover was made by JewelLeah..........she is totally AMAZING at making covers.....seriously i dont think i have ever been so much in love with a cover in my life......

well here is the chapter


Oh my gosh. It's the day I have to meet Leroy, or, whoever he is.

I closed my mouth to prevent myself from throwing up. It's really making me nervous, the most I've ever been.

Since I was going to be meeting the guy who meant the most to me, I decided to dress up a little more than my usual t-shirt, jeans, and jacket. It wasn't exactly that changeable, but to me it felt very dressed up.

I got to school, I felt like I was going to puke, literally. I had so many butterflies jumbled up in my stomach. What will happens when he finds out that I'm just a fat lonely loser? He'll probably just sit there and laugh at me, and get Braylan hurt me again in every way.

I started to walk into the commons ground when I was tripped and dragged behind the dumpsters. I looked up through the trip and saw Caroline standing there before me.

"Well, someone looks dressed up today" Melissa said, walking up.

"Yeah, where is the hoodie fatso?" Braylan added as she walked up and stepped on my wrist, in her high heels.

I screamed with pain as she started to laugh. "Come on now, I'm not hurting you am I?" Braylan mocked.

"Come on guys, maybe we are being a little tough on her." Caroline said cautiously.

"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING CAROLINE?!?" Braylan screamed, walking over and looking at her.

"Ummmm that we need to be A LOT more tough on her." Caroline said as she kicked my gut.

Ouch... My stomach feels like it's on fire. They continued to beat me up until the bell rang, when they ran off so they wouldn't be late for class. I slowly got up and walked to my car, wincing with every step I took. Everywhere hurt.

I drove straight home. I couldn't deal with school today, I was in too much pain.

When I got home, I waddled into the house. My parents were fighting, yet AGAIN. This time about nothing other than money.

I walked up to my room and into my bathroom, where I searched for my little medical kit. I always fix myself up, the doctors freak me out.

After I patched myself up nice and decent, I laid down in my bed. I stuffed my face into my pillow letting my tears soaked it. I try not to cry a lot, but I just had to let it all flood out. Today I got all prepped up and actually felt confident for once, all for Leroy. LEROY. that reminds me...

I grabbed out my phone and saw that I had a few text messages from him.

From: Leroy:

Heyyyyy cant wait to meet you. i even got here a few min. early <3

From Leroy:

Ok its officially time to meet up. Cant wait to see your beautiful face

From Leroy:

Ummmmm just wondering if you are coming. Its been like 10min. School starts soon. I KNOW you are coming...

From Leroy:

WOW ... really just wow. If you didn't want to meet me you could of just told me instead of making me feel like a complete idiot. I got all dressed up for you. I was really excited to meet you and now I can tell that you are one of those stuck up snobs that like to make fun of people. I'm just disappointed in you Anna....... don't bother texting me back. EVER.

Reading those text's killed me inside. I screwed up everything. I guess I am as worthless as Braylan says I am...

I quickly opened up my bedside drawer, where I found my pocket knife. I deserved this...I hurt the one person who was nice to me. It's all my fault.

I just mess up everything.


:( that was sad

Annaleah :)

what do you guys think so far????

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