Chapter 3

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Authors Note:


How are you lovely's doing???

I just want to know?????

haha never mind here is the next chapter


Leah's p.o.v


I jolted out of the bed and ran straight to my closet. I couldn't be late again! I was so close to a referral.

I quickly threw on a black t-shirt, White skinny jeans, black converse, and a ton of bracelets, all while putting my hair in a simple ponytail.

I ran downstairs, grabbed my backpack, and ran out the door.

I got in my car and drove to school. School...just thinking of the word hurt me. I really don't want to go today. What is Braylan going to do to me??

When I got to school, I parked in my usual spot, which happened to be right next to the dumpsters.

I slammed the door to the car and ran inside the school, only to see that I still have 20 minutes. Wow...that's a first.

I had no idea what to do,so i just went to the common grounds. I loved the commons.

I sat down at a picnic table and took out a book, when ( heard that familiar high-pitched laugh......Braylan.

Crap! She is here. Maybe she won't see me...I did change my hair. Yep, that's it. She won't see me, she won't see me...What are you talking about Leah? Of course she's going to see you.

"Piggy Piggy, come out and play!" Melissa screamed, looking around....

Wow, maybe they wont see me after all.

"There she is!" Braylan screamed, pointing at me.

I knew it was to good to be true.

They all sat around the table. Braylan, Melissa, Caroline, Louis, Niall, Harry, Liam, and Zayn.

"Hey fatso, how are you...i like the hair." Melissa said as she flipped my hair that was in the pony tail.

Then Braylan pulled out her i-phone5. " Hey Fatsy, want sing again?" she said looking through her songs.

My stomach took a giant leap. I had a feeling that it was Braylan in the locker room yesterday...but I was hoping with all my heart it wasn't.

"SHE SAID, DO YOU WANT TO SING AGAIN?!?" Caroline screamed in my ear.

"N-No" I stuttered out.

I loved singing, and I thought I was pretty good at it, but I never wanted Braylan to out. Ever. She always takes what I love away from me.

"SING!" Braylan screamed as the beginning to Call Me Maybe began to play.

The familiar notes began to play as I frantically looked around. Everyone was staring. I couldn't do this, no. Not in front of them.

"N-NO I DON'T WANT TO!" I yelled out. Braylan looked taken aback.

Holy Flack.

Did I really just scream at Braylan????

What did I just do...

The bell rang. I bolted up and ran to class, glad that that was over.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~after class~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After school ended, I walked over to where my car was.

On my way there, I saw Braylan. She looked mad, like, super mad. She was yelling her head off at Harry and Niall. I didn't stick around to find out why. Before she could see me,I ran over to my car.

I got in my car, put the key in the ignition and started it. Only, it made a terrible grumble noise and smoke started coming out of the hood.

"FLACK YOU!" I screamed out, kicking the seat. I sighed angrily and crossed my arms. What? I don't cuss, not often.

"Car trouble?" Someone asked from the window.

I turned around and saw Niall looking down at me.

Flack. Flack flack flack flack. I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE.

I nodded no, running out of my car. I continued to run, as fast as I had ever went. I could hear Niall and Harry screaming something at me, but I didn't understand the them.

I ran all the way home, and that was FAR.

I opened the door to have a bottle thrown at my face.

"OUCH!" I screamed out in pain as I felt blood drip from my head.

"OH MY GOD...HONEY I'M SO SORRY! THAT WAS NOT MEANT TO HIT YOU...I'M SUCH A BAD MOTHER!" My mom screamed as she sunk to the floor and cried.

"Its ok mom. I'm...fine. Just a scratch, I'll live." I tried to joke as I made my way to my room.

That's the first time I actually got hurt from my mother and father's fights. And lets just say, that ain't no plastic bottle.

My head was pounding as I cleaned up the blood.

After I cleaned my head, I sat down on my bed and started to think. Today actually wasn't that bad. Usually my school days are way worse. Maybe it had something to do with Braylan's screaming at Harry and Niall...

I was in deep thought when my phone went off.

From: Leroy

hey beautiful

To: Leroy

How do you know im beautiful if you have never met me???

From :Leroy

I just know

To: Leroy

Thats not answering my question Mr. Leroy

From: Leroy

Fine you win -.-.........i can tell you are beautiful by the way you sound.............the words you say...........and the way you say you are a beautiful person on the inside Anna and that is why i like you........ :)

LIKES ME....DID HE SAY LIKE? WHAT DO I SAY? I realized I was taking a long time thinking when my phone buzzed again.

From: Leroy

Im sorry if you dont feel the same way..........i just wanted to tell you that i like you before that chance faded away. i know we have never met, but i can tell that im falling for you.

To: Leroy

No i like you too Leroy. i really like you...whenever you text me,.i get a feeling in my heart that is like a firecracker going off for the first time on the fourth of July...Im falling for you to

From: Leroy

REALLY....ohhhh myyyyy goshhhhh i almost died.......well now its official....we NEED to meet....well i g2g night love xx

Meet? I can't meet him. No. He'll just get disappointed. I'm just some fat loser.

What am I going to do?


What do you think is going to happen


Why do you think Braylan was yelling at Harry and Niall

Leave a comment pweeze.........i would really like some feedback :)

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