Chapter 8

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Ok guys the winner of best comment goes to.......@pinkzebra101

Well here is the story



I couldn't believe it, why did he text Leroy.

What could he have said.

I was just about to check when my phone started to ring.

*This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town

I was a dreamer before you went and let me down

Now it's too late for you and your white horse to come around

And there you are on your knees

Begging for forgiveness, begging for me

Just like I always wanted, but I'm so sorry*

My ring tone White Horse by Taylor Swift blasted in the s,all Starbucks. I quickly ran outside and answered.

"Hello" I asked.

"WHERE ARE YOU" My fathers voice screamed through my phone.

"Nowhere" I answered not really wanting to talk to him right now....or ever.

"We'll get your little butt home RIGHT now." He stated.

I just stood there.......I can't go back, he could hurt me again.

"Dad I don't want to go back." I said as I sat down on a near by bench.

"WHAT, YOU COME HOME RIGHT NOW OR SO HELP ME GOD I WILL......." He didn't finish before I hung up.

I can't believe I did that, I just hung up on my father, what was going to happen from here.

I have no idea what will happen from this point on but I do know that I need to know what Harry said to Leroy. I went to my messages and scrolled down till I found the message.

I was scared to know what Harry said.....could he have given away any of my real information....could he have read any of the messages. I just had to get it over with and read it. I took a deep breath then started to read it.

To: Leroy

Ummm who do you think you are??? Why would you say such mean things to this girl...what so she didn't show up to meet you, did you even ask her what happened??? No you didn't. You just assumed that she was playing you....well want to know something??? She is the kindest most sweetest girl I have ever met. And she never deserved what she got from the people at school....she will never be those people who are preppy and should feel lucky to even be able to be her friend and talk to her....because I wish I was that lucky....I WISH I had that chance, but I screwed up to much, and I hope you didn't because of how rude you were....because if you did screw up enough to loose sir just lost the most wonderful person you could ever have met.

Sincerely: A guy who wishes he was lucky enough to have her as a friend.

I sat there in disbelief, Did Harry really mean all of that stuff about could someone be lucky to have me as a friend??? I'm just some loser.

I sat there for what felt like an hour when I got up. I couldn't just sit there forever.

I walked around town for awhile while I thought. Harry wishes he could be my friend?Then why did he do all those stuff to me? Is he just trying to fool me over and hurt me?

I was in deep thought when I realized something. It was only Friday.....I had school.

I looked at my phone and saw it was around was it only 7am, it felt like it was around noon.

I booked it to school as fast as I could, I can't miss anymore school, when I got there I realized I was in the same outfit from yesterday. I went to my locker and grabbed my gym clothes.

I went to the bathroom to change into them....sure it want the fashion craze, but at least I wouldn't have on dirty clothes, and my shirt is long sleeve so it hides my new cuts, which by the way sting today.

As I was about to step out of the stall I heard someone laugh.

But that wasn't just anyone's laugh.

It was Braylan.

I stayed in my stall and put my feet on the toilet, she couldn't know I was in here.

I had no idea what was going in out there....but all I could here was the sound of someone kissing, it was probably just another Braylan and Zayn make out session, or Louis....that still confuses me.

I was getting anxious to get out of that stall, so I looked through the crack to see if they were close to being done....but when I did I saw Braylan of course....but she was kissing................Liam???

What even? I am really confused now, I know Braylan is dating Zayn, so why is Braylan making out with Louis and Liam behind everyone's backs.

What was going on that I didn't know about.

I was just about to sit back and wait when my phone started blasting.

*This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town

I was a dreamer before you went and let me down

Now it's too late for you and your white horse to come around*

I stopped it before it could go any further in the tone....but I was to late, it got real quite.

Then out of no where the stall door burst open.

Braylan standing there with an evil grin.

Someone save me.


Well what does everyone think???

Tell me all your thoughts on what you think is going on in the story.

And....who do you ship together in the story???

Don't forget best comment gets a dedication


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