My star and mine only(🧸)

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Requested by: FaithJoot
type: fluff
Yandere!jotaro x kidnapped!reader
warning: includes things such as stockholm syndrome
Hello authour-chan here so sorry for not posting an update(for quite a while) but hope this will make it up! Also this is pt4 joot

Y/n: your name
F/c: favorite color
F/d: favorite drink
F/p: Favorite pastry


Your pov

how long have I been here? Three weeks? A month? I don't know but whenever I see him he's always so caring to me, he's never cold he's soft like a uh teddy bear that you hug when your scared at night. I haven't seen my family I don't even remember their names all I know is Jotaros name other than that my minds gone blank, all I can remember from before I was kidnapped was that day at work.
I was just walking home from work until I felt a hand on my neck like it chopped it, and after that all I saw was black.

And then I woke up here(as in Jotaros apartment), my arms tied to a chair and so were me legs so I couldn't get out. Although he takes me out from time to time so I can eat and then go to sleep normally when I sleep he brings me with him carrying me like he would his bride and then place me down on his bed and crawl in right next to me and grab my waist and pull me in.

(Like this I can't explain for shit)

Two months later_____________________

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Two months later

3rd person pov

"Good morning my darling~ how did you sleep?" Jotaro asked Y/n, "I slept ok, other than you nearly crushing me but I slept ok." Y/n said and Jotaro chuckled and pulled them into his chest more and stayed there cuddiling them, (my face while writing this ▼・ᴥ・▼) Y/n turned around and snuggled their face inro his chest(Joot tiddies-) until Y/n started falling back asleep in Jotaros arms so Jotaro just put his head on theirs and held them close as if they would leave him(like his and my dad?)so they both just layed in bed for a few hours in each others arms until it was 9:00 so Jotaro lightly shook his love and woke them up.

"Darling, star? Wake up, c'mon lets go have breakfast. C'mon star, wake up its 9 am c'mon we'll go to cafe if you want." He said and shook Y/n again, Y/n woke up and yawned and looked up at Jotaro and smiled at him while Jotaro chuckled at bit at their childlike antics. He kissed their forehead and got up Y/n following and they streched their back and popped it(Y'all do that in the morning? Cause I sure as hell do) and then got out of bed to go take a shower. After Y/n had stripped of their clothes they got in after checking the temperture of the water.

After your shower

"That was refreshing." Y/n said stepping out of the shower and found (F/c) clothes on the counter left from Jotaro. "(He's so sweet)" Y/n thought while putting it on, they were wearing a (f/c) (skirt/jeans/leggings/sweatpants) with a (2ndf/c) shirt. Y/n loved the clothes because they knew Jotaro knew their style they were (goth/alt/pastel goth/ect.) after they put their clithes on they put a (small/medium/large) amout of makeup on(or none).

(I said large because sometimes alt people put alot of makeup on, because its their body and they can wear however much amounts of makeup they want ok? Good now back to the story)

After putting their makeup on(or no makeup) they left the bathroom and found Jotaro by the door waiting for them. Once Jotaro saw them he looked at them and smiled and got up and (bent down/looked up) to kiss them, which they happily kissed back.

After the two left the house

"So which cafe do you wanna go to?" Jotaro asked Y/n while Y/n thought about it "Lets go to (f/cafe)!" Y/n said and looked at Jotaro with a big smile and Jotaro nodded and they went the direction of the cafe

Once you guys got to the cafe

''Ok what do you want star?" Jotaro asked while Y/n looked through their options of pastries and drinks "Hm, I think I'll have a (F/d) and (F/p)." Y/n said as their servant took the order and looked at Jotaro and asked him what he wanted and he ordered a mint moccha with a red velvet cupcake. (Felt that a mint moccha and a red velvet cake would suit him) After they had gotten their orders they ate their pastries, took the drinks, payed and then left.
alright I need to work on the other chapters so I'm gonna stop here for now-Author

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