Terror in your stomach

7 2 0

That dip, that terror in my stomach 

the kind that comes from losing my balance

or having the driver slam on the brakes

is something that I never want to feel again,

and yet it is comforting now.

I know the end is near.

One foot dangles over the edge

just to get used to the feeling

of solid ground ripped away from me.

I give a start at a bird taking off nearby,

moving forward precariously and

seeing the ground, so far below.

The swoop in my stomach, a reflex,

comes back, and I see my life 

flash before my eyes.

There are no parts that make me smile, 

not even that kiss on the cheek,

the love and perfection I felt for

the words on the page, making an image

in my head, of beauty, love, happiness.

I don't feel anything until I get to

my failures, the C minus splashed across

my paper, blurry with tears,

the many times I made a mistake while talking,

the time I was speechless and embarrassed,

the time I gave too much away.

This failure fills me, sadness, frustration,

and I get swept away in a tide

of self-loathing, drowning in hate.

I am unable to breathe in my head,

just wanting to take a breath,

not water, just air --

At the same time, I just want

my physical body to stop breathing,

stop living, decay in a funeral home.

I listen to my head, just this once,

and step away from the end.

Away from the hate.

Into the love.

Into good memories made.

Into life.

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