I am from

17 4 2

I am from the lights 

on glass and pavement,

shooting upwards 

like trees and

fighting to be the tallest.

I am from the rain 

drumming down and bushes,

growing like weeds

on a cramped balcony and

nestled amongst birdfeeders.

I am from creamy pie

and chewy cookies,

baked with love like

the way they were eaten,

home with family.

I am from deep breaths

and daydreams,

"raise your hand"

and "little missy",

despite my baseball cap.

I am from warmth and 

hugs, curls of smoke

seeping from my head

and the crippling darkness

behind my eyes.

I am from pushing through,

having the bad days

in all their torment

the good ones are

enjoyed even more.

I am from finding myself,

experimenting and

naming my identity,

smiling despite the haters

who don't know what love is.

A/N: this is really cheesy - *hides eyes*

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