Chapter 1- Life As I Know It.

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"I wanna be a billionaire so bad.

Buy all of the things I never had....

I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine,

smiling next to Oprah and the queen.

Oh every time I close my eyes. I see my name in shining lights.

Different city every night, oh right I swear.

The world better prepare!

For when I'm a billionaire!" I sang as I saw a little girl drop a dollar into my guitar case.

"Thank you sweetie!" I said and I smiled. She skipped back to her mum.

I started to think of another song I could play. I started playing the familiar tune and smiled as I thought about how this was my favorite song as a child.

"Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high,

There's a land that I dream of once in a lullaby.

Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly.

Birds fly over the rainbow, why oh then why can't I..." I continued with the song but my mind drifted off.

I should probably explain who I am.

My name is Lilliana Marie Detson, but you can call my Lily. I am 18 years old and I graduated last June from Riverdale High School. I ran away from home due to my parents trying to force me into college. They wanted me to become a Lawyer because its the "Family Tradition," but I want to be a singer. One where you hear me on the radio singing my greatest hit! So I ran away and met two people named Alex and Mackenzie. I now room with them and I have been for a year and a half. We have grown to be best friends! But as you can tell, I'm not in the best line of work. I sit on the corner near Starbucks and sing while playing my guitar to get a few extra bucks. I pretty much love what I do! It's not like I'm stuck in a stuffy old office all day! I'm sitting out in the open singing.

I check my phone and see its 5:00. That's my call! I start to pack up. I place my guitar into the case and stand up. I look around and I see most of the cars are making their way down town to go home after a successful day of work. I start to walk down the sidewalk toward my flat.

I walk up the familiar staircase and unlock my door to see Mackenzie making Mac and Cheese in the kitchen and Alex on the couch.

"Hey guys! I'm home!" I yell into the flat.

"Hey Lily! Was traffic bad today?" Mackenzie yelled from the kitchen.

"Oh my god yes! I pretty much crawled through the cars to get to the other side! It was bumper to bumper the whole way home!"

"Jesus! You would think that some of them would find a new route to go home! But they're all so stubborn!" Alex said as he walked into the kitchen.

"I think I'm gonna go back tomorrow around 7 am so I can catch all the teenagers on their way to school. They always throw their extra change that the get into the case." I walked into the living room.

I grabbed my computer from the side table and sat criss cross apple sauce. I checked my twitter. I saw that the McFly account had been updated. McFly is my FAVORITE band EVER! I decided to give my followers a quick tweet.

*Hey guyssss so I'm gonna be on the corner tomorrow around 7! If you see me, say hi! Love you xx*

I posted it and had around 128 likes in five minutes. I had 3,000 followers and I loved all of them!

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of Mac and Cheese and a can of coke. I went into the living room to see X Factor on. I watched as the contestants were being eliminated.

I finished and went into my room. I looked at myself in the mirror that was placed in the corner that rested on a holder. My straight brown hair had curled at the ends after being out in the summer London air. I sighed and pulled up my shirt to about half way up my torso. I turned to the side and looked at myself. I was never proud at how I looked. My stomach was never completely flat. I always had that one little bump that made it imperfect.

I crawled out of my clothes and into my pajamas. I crawled into bed with y head phones in listening to McFly until I drifted off into a deep sleep, in preparation for tomorrow's busy day.

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