Chapter 5- Its My Life!

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Millie's POV

I looked down at my phone to see Mackenzie was calling. I looked up at Harry with wide eyes. 

"It's ok. Tell her it's your decision not hers." He said while looking at my worried expression. I changed my view back down to my phone. I slid the answer button and placed the phone to my ear.

"Where are you?" She said sternly without even saying hello.

"Oh hi Mackenzie, Im great how are you? Oh that's fantastic!" I said while smirking to myself, leaning back in my chair and crossing my legs.

"Cut the shitty act Lily. Where are you?" 

"Oh Im at Harry's place meeting some of his friends, why do you ask?" I said making Harry smile at my smart ass reply.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me! What were you even doing while I was expl-" I held the phone away from my ear and rolled my eyes as she practically yelled through the phone. I could still hear every word she was saying, even if I didn't have the phone to my ear! She was just so loud! All the boys just sat there in awe as she screamed at me over the phone.

"Ok hun, mhm... Yup buh bye." I said before clicking the end call button. I looked at the boys that were giggling a bit.

"What?" I asked as they giggled.

"I mean we don't mean to offend you but, your friend just seems like a real bitch that's all." Louis said while smiling.

"Yeah she can be, but she's my only friend here and we live together too and-" I was cut off by Niall.

"Wait. Aren't we your friends too?" he asked while raising an eye brow at me, making me laugh!

"Well, yeah I guess you could say that but-" I said but I was cut off by Louis.

"So, get rid of the bitch and stay with us! I mean you might as well! You want to hang out with us and it's your choice not hers and no one wants a stingy bitch as a room mate. So? What do you say? Would you like to live the crazy life like a celebrity? Or do you want to stay with your friends?" he said with an evil smile. I looked at them all as they looked at me with intense eyes as they all tried to find an answer from me.

"Uhhhh...." I started to think about all the great oppertunities I would have with the boys. I would be able to go all over the world and meet fantastic people! Should I do it?...

"Ok. I'll do it." I said while sighing.

"BUT! You guys all have to come to my flat and help me pack up my things... And to piss off Mackenzie." I said while giggling.

We all filed out of the door and decided on taking two cars. Harry and Niall drove. I rode in Harrys car along with Zayn and Liam, and Louis rode with Niall.

A song came on and he turned it up higher so that we could all hear it. It was Black and Gold by Sam Sparro. I loved this song a lot!

"Oh my gosh! I haven't heard this song in forever!" I said over the music. He smiled and shook his head.

I started to sing to the music.

"Oh! Make a left right here!" I said while pointing to the parking lot. We pulled in and Niall pulled in shortly after since he was following us. I smiled and walked to the elevator that brought us up to the floor. We all crammed into the small elevator and I was pushed up against Harry's chest. I looked up and him to find him already looking at me. He had a small little smirk on his face as his hair fell off of his forhead. My cheeks turned a bright crimson at the sudden actions. I tilted my chin down to look at my feet. The door opened and we all squeezed out. I made my way down to the door and opened it to find Mackenzie sitting at the table sipping at her tea. She spit it out at the sight of me and the boys walking into the flat.

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