Chapter 6- Fantasizing

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A spark of light can truly change anything. A life, a mood, or maybe even a persons thoughts on something or maybe even someone. Now, I'm not talking about a light bulb. I'm talking about a spark of light that is brought between one or more people. Maybe its love, or maybe even just a spark of a new wonderful friendship. No one can ever truly. predict the future because the future is what you make it. Your future is what you make it out to be. It could be dark and mysterious and sad, or it could be bright; just like the spark of light.


Harry's POV

I woke up to the sound of Lily singing in the kitchen like always. She's always up before I am. It doesn't matter what time she goes to bed; she is always up before me. Lily has been living in my house for the past three weeks and it's been a great time!

We always start our day off with her making breakfast. She refuses to let me cook breakfast! And that kills me because I make the best pancakes ever, but she won't even give them a try! She says that she has to help out with the cooking somehow, and she said she can't cook lunch or dinner to save her life, so I said I would take care of that portion.

I rose from my bed and swung my feet off the edge. I went to the bathroom and then ran my hands through my hair. I walked out in a pair of shorts, and a bare chest. She looked up and smiled.

"Morning Haz! I was just about to go in and wake you up." she said while smiling and flipping her pancakes. I chuckled to myself as I looked at her morning attire. She had on a pair of yoga shorts, a tank top, and her hair was up in a messy bun and her face was completly clear of make up. She looked fantastic...

"Yeah, I was kinda woken up by your singing. What was that you were singing again?" I said while leaning over the kitchen counter and watching her. I looked at her posture: straight back, left hip popped out, and her left hand on her hip. I still wish to be her first kiss. I wish to be her first everything! I would like knowing that she was all new. That I would be the first one to see her; to touch her. I know that she is afraid of what would happen if she had ever got a boyfriend, but I would love to test her and see how far she would go with a man. Last week, I rememeber I touched her leg and she jumped and she sat there with wide eyes. She looked very uncomfortable and freaked out. I didn't even mean to touch her leg either! We were just seated on the couch and I moved my arm and my hand brushed her leg and she flipped out! She didn't say anything but I could see that she was freaking out. I walked over to her side as I watched her flip the pancakes.

"Oh! That was Intoxicated. It's basically about a guy who thinks this girl is absolutely amazing in every way and he just wants to show her that the things that she does and the way she does them makes him feel... Intoxicated." she ended her sentence looking up into my eyes. I could feel myself start to want to kiss her. She looked at me and then looked down at her toes.

"You know, that would've been the perfect moment to kiss you." I said while smirking down at her. She laughed and pushed me away.

"Mhm. Please, Styles. You aren't gettin' close to these lips any time soon."

"Oh you sure about that?" I said while taking a step closer to her. I was now just over her. I then started to take a finge tip and trace it down her arm, makig goose bumps apear as she stood there frozen. I could see how her expression changed in less than a second. Her breathing got faster and her eyes got big. Her body was still and motionless. I dipped my head down to hers. I could feel her warm breath on my lips...

"Harry?" She said and I could hear the shakiness in her voice signaling she was scared.

"Yeah, babe?" I said as our lips brushed for a second making her breath hitch in her throat.

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