I Can't Decide

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"So, naturally you are on the list of suspects, considering your track record," A police officer said, pacing in front of me. 

He had brought me in for questioning earlier that day, but only now were we doing anything.

"Yeah I kind of figured." My hands were chained to the table like before, but this time they were definitely looser.

"Do you have anything to say in your defense?"

"I was out with my friends that night, and you wont find anything on the security cameras."

"Anything else of importance?"

"No sir."

"Thank you for cooperating."

"I will take you back to Mr. Sander's office now," a guard said, unlocking the chains from the table.

The guard led me down several hallways, up a few floors, and through a door you need a key card for, and down several more hallways before we reached Thomas' office.

"May we come in, Sir," the guard said, knocking on the door.

"You may come in."

The guard slid the door open and guided me inside.

"Ah Talyn, thanks for returning him," Thomas said, looking up from his computer screen.

"I'm not some item at Walmart," I said, annoyed.

"I know you aren't," Thomas chuckled. "Anyway, this is my assistant, Talyn."

"Hi Virgil. I've heard a lot about you. My pronouns are they/them," Talyn said.

"And don't mix them up, 'cause you'll have a foot to the face."


"Now, I know you didn't tell everything."

I hesitated.

"Don't worry, Talyn knows everything."

"...Logan and Remy know about my past," I said, fidgeting with my hands.

Please don't take it the wrong way.


He took it the wrong way.

"How much do they know?" Talyn butted in. (Ha. Butts. Fight me, I dare you) 

I sent them a grateful look, than answered. "Remy figured out my old identity, told Logan, and them I filled them in on the rest."

"Even the killing part?" Thomas asked.

I nodded slightly.

"Well that complicates things."

I did it! Another chapter! I am very steadily loosing motivation, but I will finish this book, even if it kills me. I couldn't decide between the two, but today is national kazoo and daisy day!

Here, finished making this today:

Here, finished making this today:

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