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Virgil's POV

"We're going to be in big trouble if this doesn't work out," I whispered. Over the course of the last week, we had narrowed our list of suspects down to a house with one resident. Today we are going to confront them.

Remy and Emile walked up to the door, pausing a second before knocking. 

"Coming!" a voice called out before the door opened. "Oh hello," they said. "What brings you here?"

"Hi! My name is Emile, and we just wanted to ask you a few questions for the student newspaper!" Emile was bringing out his therapist side for this.

"Okay, why don't you come in," they offered. They went inside for a few minutes before I got a text.

Emile; name: Kinley Hill                                                                                                                                              gender: cis female

Virgil; thanks 

Emile; we are in the back right now                                                                                                                              door is unlocked

I showed the information to the others, they nodded, ready for action.

Hello! sorry for disappearing for a week. I have a lot of homework for school. I also finally figured out how to work discord, so if yall want me to set something up, just shoot a message in the chat.

 Today is national shrimp scampi day

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