Chapter 2

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  TW: mention of killing, mention of abuse, gun. please tell me if I missed anything.                     (Virgil's POV)

"My last name, is Edevane."

Thomas stared, shocked. "But that was, like, the biggest family ran company!" he exclaimed.

"Yeah. Was." Virgil said bitterly. "But then a tragic incident happened, and now I'm forced to kill and steal just to live." 

"what do you mean, forced." Virgil sighed.

"I'd rather not go into this, but I guess I have to, don't I." Thomas nodded. "Well okay. Long story short, this organization is forcing me to do their crimes for them. If I don't, they beat me." he added softly, pulling down the collar of his shirt down to reveal scars. Thomas gasped, his face a mixture of shock and confusion.

"W-why would anyone do that?"

"How am I supposed to know?!"

"Well, one things for sure," Thomas said, leaning in. "We, ah, had a plan of sorts in regards to what we would do with you. Hearing what you just said, I think that we need to stray from that plan. Right, Sheriff?" He said, glancing over to the one sided mirror. A second passed and then the sheriff walked through the door, beckoning Thomas to come with him.

"Yes, I believe we do."

What did they have planned for me? Were they going to kill me? to lock me up? anxious thoughts ran through my head as I started panicking. No. now was not the time for that. In for four, hold for seven, out for eight. as I repeated that I started to get calmer. A couple minutes passed before they entered. "S-so, what do you have planned for me." 

"Well, since you are only fifteen, and had all those, um, things happen to you," Thomas said, gesturing at my chest, "we have decided, that, well, we are going to send you to school."

"What. Did I hear you right?"

"Yes. School. Of course, you will be there on behalf of the law, but we will still cover your tuition and any bills that you might have," the sheriff said curtly.

"One question, what school am I going to exactly?"

"Sides private school, which is run by none other than me!" Thomas exclaimed proudly. "That way I will be able to keep an eye on you and have you learn at the same time!"

"W-wait, Sides private school?" I said, my eyes wide


"But that's, like, really expensive."

"Like I said, we will be covering your tuition," the sheriff reminded me, hovering by the door, as if wanting to get away from the excited detective/principal.

(time skip~)

I set the bag of clothes and necessities down on the stoop of my new apartment. Thomas had taken me to a corner store and a hot topic to get food and clothes. After I swore that I wouldn't hurt anybody or run away of course. even so, he still had a gun on him. just in case.

"So, this is your new home!" Thomas said, unlocking the door and holding it open. I took a hesitant step inside, flipped on the lights, and looked around. It was spacious, of a single person apartment. the kitchen and the sitting area were connected, and there was a hallway that had two doors, from what Virgil could tell, that led to the bedroom and bathroom. "How do you like it?"

"It's nice. Not too big and not too small," I said, smiling. I can't remember the last time I truly smiled. "So. when do I start school?"

Chains a Sanders Sides highschool AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora