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^ Highly recommend watching it

TW: Talk of the killer

Virgil's POV

"So teach, what do we need to do first?" Roman asked. Today we were gathering information and possible leads. Me, Patton, and Roman were standing in front of Logan, waiting for direction.

Remy and Emile were working behind the scenes to cover up our tracks. Same with Janus and Remus, but that week they were taking a vacation.

"Well we would need to go to the site first, right?" Patton questioned. 

Logan nodded. "That is assuming they have opened the site."

Thankfully, luck seemed to be on our side.

"This makes things easier," Roman commented. "By a considerable measure," Logan added on.

"Okay, go search and see If you can find any dirt or anything that might suggest where the murderer is from," Logan instructed.

"But don't touch it?" I questioned. 


{Time Skip}

"Lo-Lo? I think I found something," Patton called out after about half-and-hour of fruitless searching. We rushed over to see what the bubbly boy was looking at. There, on the wall, were a few clumps of mud. There were a few more clumps below it on the ground too.

Then, Logan did something kind of odd. He leaned against the wall next to the mud, one foot on the ground and the other resting on the bricks. He nodded, seemingly satisfied.

"Um, Logan? What on earth are you doing?" I asked, thoroughly confused.

"See how my feet match up with mud?" We nodded. "The killer is probably somewhere around my height, and he probably leaned against this wall," Logan smirked. We gasped.

"And that is why, Patton, today you are my favorite person."

Hello! Thank you to everyone who is reading this story, it means a lot. Sorry this chapter is short, but I think that from now they are all going to be like this. Today is national Empanada day. Also, this guy is a really cool photographer, go check him out -

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