Chapter 1

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TW: partial panic attack, implied shot, handcuffs 

Virgil's POV

I was running. my feet pounding on the pavement, my short gasps for air, and the sirens where the only thing I could hear. This is the one of the only times I've ever had to run. point is, I'm bad at running. My breath got shorter and I started hyperventilating as I heard the sirens grow closer. Oh god, please no not now why did it have to be now nononononononononono- my thoughts where cut short as I tripped, hitting my head on the pavement. I curled in on myself, eyes squeezed shut. the last thing I heard before I blacked out where the sirens.                      

"Dad?" I whispered softly, hesitantly stepping towards his slumped figure, a bottle in his hand. He glared at me, eyes full of anger and destruction. I watched as he slowly got up, dropping the bottle in the process. I flinched back as it shattered, heart racing. he slowly stumbled towards me, hand raised.

I shot up, gasping. I heard shouts as people, I can only guess doctors, tried to restrain me. I flailed around, their touch not helping in the slightest. I felt a sharp prick in my arm, then everything started go fuzzy as I blacked out. again. when I woke up for the second time today I was much calmer. I sat slowly sat up, ignoring my pounding headache. What happened?

"Ah, glad to see your awake," a voice said from beside me. I looked over to see a doctor sitting on a rolly chair. Where am I? What's happening?  I thought. but like always, I stayed silent. "if your feeling better, we can head on over to the interrogation room," he said, standing up. All at once, every thing came flooding back to me. I nodded, swinging my legs of the side of the hospital bed and standing up as well. I silently followed him out of the room, two security guards joining us outside. The guards shared glances with each other as we walked through the maze of hallways. I knew what they were thinking. every one I partnered up with for a crime thought the same thing. How could a kid this small cause so much destruction?

 Eventually we reached the interrogation room. It was a sterile white with a single metal table and two chairs. Just a normal interrogation room. The guards had put handcuffs on my wrists somewhere along the way, so I couldn't "try" anything. Not like I was going to. I know when I'm beaten. 

They roughly shoved me into one of the chairs, not caring about whether I got hurt or not. I had to wait a little bit before the detective? Sheriff? Let's just go with detective. anyways, I had to wait a little before the detective came in. He sat down in the chair opposite me, and leaned is elbows on the table. he was wearing a simple outfit of black dress pants, and a black vest with a white button up shirt underneath. (I imagine it would look like the outfits from Men in Black) 

"So. You are the boy who has been causing nonstop trouble for the police department," he said, curiosity written all over his face. "I just didn't expect you to be, uh, this small. do you mind telling me your name and age young man?"

"F-fifteen, sir" I said, mentally cursing myself for the stutter. "And my name is Virgil."

"Wow, your a lot younger than I thought you would be," he said, jotting something down in a notebook. "Do you not have a last name?"

"I do, it's's embarrassing." I thought for a moment. "It's also really easy to track, considering it's rarity."

"Well then, that just gives me another reason to get it out of you."

"I'll tell you, but first you have to answer two questions for me," I said, eyes sharpening into slits. the detective nodded, agreeing to my proposal. "Okay. question one. What's your name?" If the detective was surprised, he didn't show it.

"My name is Thomas Sanders, but you can call me Thomas."

"Question two. Tell me a secret that only you or your good friends know." This is my secret. This is how I use people to my advantage. Except this time, I just kind of wanted to get to know the guy. Don't judge me. The detective stiffened, surprised. That was the normal reaction.

"Okaay?" he said, kind of questioningly. "Um, this is something a lot of people know, but, I guess, I'm gay."

I stared at him for a second before exploding in a fit of laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" The detective, no, Thomas, asked, arms crossed. 

"I-I just was not expecting that," I laughed wiping a few stray tears from my eyes. The handcuffs clinked together as I lowered my hands. "But as promised, I will tell you my last name." I took a deep breath, mentally preparing my self. "My last name, is Edevane."

Yay! first chapter :) (I don't have anxiety, so I'm just going off of what I have read in other fan-fics) Happy Hispanic heritage month and happy national play-dough day! Remember that it's ok to not be okay.

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