Boy Bi

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Roman's POV (That's new)

"Yeah they're hiding something."

Me and Patton are taking a walk; we thought it might help take things off our minds. So far it's done the opposite.

We noticed how distant Logan, Remy, and Virgil had been lately, and we were staring to get worried. Janus and Remus also noticed it.

"Do you think... do you think they might have something to do with the murder?" Patton blurts out. I stopped in my tracks. 

"I sincerely hope not."

"Yeah..." I trailed off. "Should we do some research?"

"What would It be about?" Roman glanced over to me. 

"I don't know, the murder, Logan, Remy, and Virgil's pasts, anything that might give us more information, just to make sure our friends aren't hurt," I said nervously.

"Sure, I could do that."

{Time skip}

Virgil's POV

Today we are going to tell the others about, well, me. Logan said it was to keep them safe, so that they don't get caught up in any trouble.

We are doing it at my place, because at anyone else's we could be overheard. plus, Thomas is the only one who can access the video feed, and he already knows what we are doing.

Knock Knock Knock

"Looks like the party has arrived," Remy said. he was laying on the couch, sipping Starbucks, as per usual. I was sitting next to him.

"I guess I shall get the door," Logan said, standing up, when he saw me make no move to get up. I was too busy thinking over everything that could go wrong to notice. It was only when Patton and Emile's laughter rang through the apartment did I snap out of it.

"You okay spider?" Janus questioned when he saw me, noticing I was out of it. He has this really good sense of when someone is feeling a negative emotion.

"I'm good, just thinking," I replied, chewing on my thumbnail. I saw Janus frown, but then he turned away, trying to get Remus to stop doing something stupid.

Logan cleared his throat as I sank deeper into the couch. "We need to talk to you guys about something, err, someone."

"Who is 'we'?" Roman questioned as everyone found a spot to sit down.

"Me, Virgil, and Remy," Logan replied.

"Actually, we were planning on just having you doing the talking bit," Remy corrected. Logan just sighed.

"Is this about why you guys have been so distant lately?" Emile piped up.

"You noticed too?!" Remus said, loudly. Emile, Patton, and Roman nodded. "Gee, I thought it was only me and Jan-Jan."

"Never. call. me. that. again." Janus hissed.

"Whatever you say, Jan-Jan," Remus giggled smugly.


Hi, sorry for disappearing on yall. I feel like I had twenty-thousand homework assignments. Um, Here is some information about me, just 'cause:

I live in Washington,

I use they/them pronouns

I have recently started using the name Remy, and I really like it.

I have made at least 400 tiny paper cranes

Haha, yes! today is national awkward moments day! 

This is mine: I was texting my friend and he referred to himself as "son", I had no idea he was using he/him! It was really embarrassing, but then he called me by Remy and I felt the happiest I have in ages.

If anyone has ideas for this book, please let me know. I have no idea what I should do next.

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