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Lothal, The Common Room, 1200 p.m.

"I'm so bored." Ezra said, flopping down in a seat.

"Me too." Kanan said, who was sitting next to Ezra.

"So bored." Ezra said again.

"Yup." Kanan agreed.

"Super bored."


"Like beyond super bored."


"I'm so bored of being bored."


"I can't believe today is so boring."

"It's pretty boring."

"I'M SO BORED!" Ezra shouted.

"Yes. I do believe we have established this." Kanan said, putting his head on the table.

"I don't think you get it. I'm like really really bored."


"So bored!" Ezra sighed dramatically and waved his arms in the air.



". . .Yup."

"Are you bored?" Ezra asked Kanan.

"Super bored."

"That makes this even more boring."

"Yeah, it does." Kanan said, getting a little annoyed.


"Okay! I get it Ezra! You're bored!" Kanan said loudly, sitting up. "I'm bored too!"

"Naw. Now you're just mad." Ezra said smiling.

"Just shut up." Kanan said, putting his head back down.

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