Adventures Of The Backpack Part Three

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"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN NOT HIDE FROM THE ALL POWERFUL EZRA!" Ezra shouted, sending lighnting bolts towards Kanan.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEK!" Kanan squealed, running as fast as he could. Out of no where Green Lantern appeared and shielded Kanan from the lightning bolts. Shazam streaked towards Ezra while Flash caught Sabine who got caught in a mini whirlwind.

"Hey, sweet heart. How's it going?" Flash asked, grinning as he set Sabine down.

"Get lost, creep." She said, scooting behind Kanan.

"Whatcha do to the kid this time?" Flash asked Kanan.

"Nothing. He just wants candy." Kanan replied.

"That's the last thing he needs." Captain America said, walking up behind Kanan. Green Lantern rolled his eyes and Flash mumbled something.

"Great. It's Captain Rules." Green Lantern.

"Watch it glowstick." Cap said. They stopped glaring at each other as a lightning bolt nearly fired them. Shazam wasn't having any luck subduing Ezra.

"Um, got a plan Mr. . . ?" Sabine asked, looking at Captain America.

"The name's Captain America, miss. And yes I do have a plan." Cap replied.

"Care to share?" Kanan asked, crossing his arms.

"Give him candy! Like duh!" Cap said. "I mean Ezra has complete control here, so just give the kid some candy."

"That is an awful plan." Flash said.

"Ya don't say." Green Lantern agreed. They charged towards Ezra before anyone could object. Ezra easily zapped them and sent them flying into the rainbow colored waterfall.


"HAHAHAHAHA! YOU JERKS CAN'T STOP MEEEE!" Ezra dissapeared in a cloud of Sparkles. As did Shazam. Strange.

"Is it over with?" Hera asked, popping up out of the grass.

"AAAAAH! ALIEN!" Captain America screamed, running away. Sabine rolled her eyes.

"My hero." She said.

"WILL SOME BODY HELP ME?!" Zeb yelled, still running away from the pink Ewoks. Sheesh, what's their deal? Kanan groaned.

"I just wanna go back to the real world." He whined.

"Never fear, Jedi. For the rest of the Justice League is here." Superman said, stepping out of a ball of light. Batman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Cyborg stepped out behind him.

"Oh, great. More weirdos." Kanan grumbled.

Well we got heroes, now we just need some candy. . . . CANDY APOCALYPSE!!! ^_^

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