Ezra Vs. Batman!

660 44 15

Lothal, The Cargo Hold, 1200 p.m.

Ezra crawled into his magical backpack and popped out in the bright colored dimension inside of it.

"Batman!" Ezra screamed when he saw the dark knight of Gotham standing in front of him.

"I WANT MY CAPE BACK, JERK!" Batman yelled. Ezra snickered.

"Not my fault you don't look that cool without your cape. Besides you weren't using it right then." Ezra said. Batman grabbed his vest and shook him.

"I. WANT. MY. CAPE. BACK!" He yelled in Ezra's face.

"Okay, okay. Just let me go and I'll get it." Ezra lied. As soon as Batman let him go he ran off screaming like a girl.

"GET BACK HERE!" Batman yelled running after Ezra. Out of no where Batman's cape appeared on Ezra.

"I CAN FLY!" Ezra shouted, leaping off a cliff. He glided down to the cotton candy field below. Batman jumped down after him.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAHAAAAAAHAAA! IT'S BATMAN!" Ezra screamed as he jumped into a hole.

"Ah! Get out of there! You'll ruin my cape!" Batman yelled. Ezra giggled and crawled down into the hole further. He popped out on the other side of the cotton candy field. Running like mad Ezra went back to the entrance and leaped out. He tumbled out of his backpack, scaring Sabine and Kanan. Ezra wrapped the cape around him and said in his deep voice.

"I'M BATMAN!" He ran off to his room.

"Whose Batman?" Sabine asked Kanan.

"I dunno." Kanan replied.

"I'M BATMAN!" Batman shouted, leaping out of the backpack. He ran off to find Ezra. Sabine and Kanan stared wide eyed at the strange man and then down at Ezra's backpack.

"Should we burn it?" Kanan asked Sabine.


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