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Lothal, Aboard The Ghost, 0800 a.m.

Ezra woke up on the floor with rainbow colored drool dripping out of his mouth. He wiped his mouth, smaking his lips.

"Mmm. Fruit flavored." He said standing up giggling for unknown reasons. Ezra walked out into the corridor looking for everyone.

"Ezra!" Kanan shouted hugging him tightly.

"Yay, Kanan!" Ezra said hugging him back. "Do you wanna paint something?"

"YEAH!" Kanan pumped his fist in the air.

"YAY! JOY FOR EVRYBODY!" They shouted running to Kanan's room.

A few happy minutes later. . .

"Hey, Kanan?" Ezra asked bouncing around the room.

"Heeey, what?" Kanan responded, painting a dorky picture of himself.

"Why don't we paint everybody's room?" Ezra said scooping up the spray paint.

"That's a great idea!" Kanan said giggling.

"LET'S DO HERA'S ROOM FIRST!" Ezra and Kanan skipped out of the room, humming. After they were done coloring Hera's room ten shades of pink and purple, they skipped down the corridor. Sabine stuck her head out her room.

"What are you two doing?" She asked glaring at them.

"Noooothing." They said in sync grinning. Sabine walked towards them.

"Hey! Are those my special paints?!" She asked crossing her arms.

"SPREAD THE JOY!!! THE JOOOOOOOOOY!!!!" Ezra and Kanan sprayed paint all over her and ran into the common room.

"HERA!" Sabine shouted wipping paint off her face.

"She's not happy." Ezra said streaking the table orange and blue. "She needs some JOY!"

"LOT'S OF JOY!" Kanan shouted running in circles. At that moment Hera walked into the room looking very upset.

"CALEB DUME! What do you think your doing!?!" She yelled grabbing Kanan's arm.

"Awww. You need a hug!" Kanan said wrapping his arms around Hera tightly.

"JOOOOOY!" Ezra shouted hugging them both.

"No! Get off!" Hera shouted into Kanan's shirt, waving her arms around. They let go of her then ran out the room and into Ezra's.

"QUICK! WHERE'S THE JOY!?" Kanan asked hopping around. Ezra dug around on his bed.

"RIGHT HERE!" He said happily holding up a case of JOY.

"YAY! LOT'S OF JOY FOR EVERYONE!!!" Kanan shouted clapping his hands. Ezra and Kanan ran out of the room and down to the cargo hold.

"WE'RE GOING TO SPREAD JOY TO EVERYONE!" Ezra shouted shoving paint, glitter and JOY into his backpack.

"YEAH! TONS OF JOY!" Kanan agreed holding several cans of JOY.

"LET'S GO!" Ezra and Kanan ran off the ship giggling like crazy.

A few JOYFUL moments later. . .

"NO! NO! UNHAND ME NOW!" Kallus shouted as Kanan and Ezra dragged him through the market.


"NO! LET ME GO!" Kallus shouted and kicked.

"HERE'S SOME JOY!" Ezra said pouring a can of JOY on Kallus. Rainbow colored liquid dripped down his face and stained his shirt.

"WHAT!? EEEEW! GET IT OFF OF ME!" Kallus sputtered.

"MORE! MORE! MORE!" Kanan shouted jumping around in circles spilling JOY everywhere. Ezra opened two cans of JOY and started dancing around Kallus. Kallus started to giggle. Then he jumped up and shouted. "JOOOOOOY!"

"YEAH! LET'S GO SPREAD THE JOOOOOY!" Ezra said linking arms with him and Kanan.

"WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO! JOOOOOOOY!!!! AN GLITTER!" They shouted skipping down the road. People stared at them as the spilled JOY and tossed glitter at random.

"LET'S PAINT THIS WALL!!!" Kallus shouted bouncing around.

"YEAH!" Kanan and Ezra shouted pulling out their spray paint. After they were done they stood back and looked at their work.

"Needs more JOY!" He spilled JOY all over the picture.

"YAAAAAAAY!!!!" Kallus and Kanan said clapping.

"You, there! Halt!" Two stormtroopers came around the corner.

"JOOOOOOOOY!" Kallus said hugging them tightly.

"Uh, sir?" The stormtroopers stood there unsure of what to do.

"GIVE 'EM JOY, KANAN!" Ezra shouted bouncing around spraying pink paint everywhere. Kanan skipped over to the stormtroopers and poured JOY into their mouth pieces.

"JOOOOOOOOOOOOY! AND HAPPINESS!" They shouted hopping around.

"LET'S GO GIVE JOY TO ZEB, SABINE, AND HERA!" Ezra shouted to Kanan dancing around him.

"YAY! BACK TO THE GHOST!" Kanan shouted.

"BYE! BYE KALLUS! SPREAD THE JOY!" Ezra waved back at the now dancing stormtroopers and Kallus.

"BYE!" They shouted back. They continued dancing around, spilling JOY everywhere. Kanan and Ezra ran back to Ghost giggling, and spraying paint in the air. Back in the alleyway, Kallus and the stormtroopers were sleeping soundly, leaning up against each other. Rainbow colored drool trickled out of Kallus mouth and onto his shirt. Kanan and Ezra reached the Ghost still giggling, but Ezra was starting to feel tired now.

"I'M SO HAPPY!" He shouted wearily.

"ME TOO!" Kanan said yawning. They both slid to the ground. Kanan was stretched out on the ramp and Ezra fell on top of him. Bright colored spit spilled out of Kanan's mouth and onto the ramp. Ezra drooled on Kanan's chest staining it with rainbow colors. Hera found them a bit later. 

"Pretty pink lightsabers!"  They mumbled in their sleep. She just shook her head and walked away.

Ezra Bridger's TrainingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora