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tommy 🕷

i have just a random question
for you and i'm hoping that
you will agree but what's
your opinion on blind dates?

do people still do them?

but my opinion on them
doesn't really count because
i have never been on one

i'm the type of person who
doesn't just sit down for food
with someone i've never met

why are you asking?

so there's this guy that i met
while in the states and i think
it would be nice for the two
of you to meet and have a
blind date type of thing?

and yes i know that you
haven't been on a date with
anyone since Owen but like
i always say sometimes you
just have to put yourself
out there to move on.

i think it is time for me to
start moving on because it
has been a year so i will go
on one blind date

after this one then you can't
set me up with anyone else

if all goes well with the guy
and you guys get married you
HAVE to mention my name
in your vows because i've
brought you two together


how are you talking about
me marrying the guy i've never
even met him let alone plan to
marry him

what is his name anyway?

so he is French and is called
Mathéo Rodreguez and he is
a lawyer and i met him in a pub
one day

i think you would like him plus
he is nothing like Owen so
everything might go great

you meet some strange people
in pubs so i don't know if i can
trust this guy but okay you set
this up so you can do all the other
bits of the planning and just let
me know

i will talk to him

where are you i'm at your
apartment because we're going to
this lunch thing together but you're
not here like at all

i'm sat on your sofa looking like
a weirdo, you're never normally up
at this time on your days off

i went to get coffee because i knew
that we had to go out today and
that meant waking up early so i
needed coffee and i went to this
cute florist to get flowers

i'm in the elevator up to my floor
now so you down have to look like
a freak any longer

you got more flowers?

you already have three vases full
and they aren't even close to dying

you can never have too many flowers
tommy just know that

can you open the door please im too
lazy to open it myself

gosh you're literally stood in front
of the door with your hand on the

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