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private messages
{instagram dm's between alexia and evelyn}

Hey Evelyn, it's Alexia.

So I think it's about time we
actually meet up, there's this
café that has just opened up
down the road from where i'm
staying if you are interested?

Alexia hey, I do think it's time
for us to actually meet i would
love to get to know you.

That café sounds like a great
plan my week is a bit hectic but
i'm free for lunch tomorrow.

Is that okay with you?

yes, just message me what time
you are going to be free then i will
send you the address and meet you

have a great day, I will find out
that time as soon as I can x

{ alexia w & mathéo r}

So Mathéo, you were correct
she agreed quite quickly, she's
meeting me tomorrow for

this is going to be easier than
expected. i just need to lure
her away from him and then
our plan would be complete.

i knew she would agree, she's
far too kind she wouldn't ever
say no.

this won't be as easy as you think
you have to remember that they
are like hollywood's golden couple.
everyone, i mean EVERYONE wanted
them to be together.

it will be hard to split them up but like
i promised, you will get Sebastian back
and he will be all yours and i will get
evelyn back and she will make me a king.

yeah yeah yeah you get the princess
and become some super high royal dude
and i get Sebastian. This better work
i can't loose him fully because knowing
him he's already spoken to Chris about
marrying the girl.

we DONT want that at all.

i need to go but are you sure you know
what you have to say to her tomorrow?

it's all planned out, we won't
talk for long. After what i say she
wouldn't want to.

I will talk to you once i've seen
her and i will try to update you
as much as i can.

good, speak to you soon Lex

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