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lizzie 🧚🏻‍♀️


[call between Elizabeth Olsen and Evelyn]
{elizabeth evelyn-mae}

Lizzie, I have a huge problem and it's something I can't get myself out of and I'm worried that it's just all going to go wrong and blow up in my face. Oh gosh, why am I so kind to people?

hey, Evie, just breath and grab a glass of water and then explain to me this whole dilemma you have found your way into. And it's not a bad thing that you are kind to people it just makes you an even better person. Like personally knowing that you are so kind and loving towards everyone makes me trust you more.

So I may or may not have agreed to meet up with Alexia Williams.

Wait, Alexia Williams as in Sebastian's ex-girlfriend that keeps commenting on your posts?

Yep, that's her and I'm meeting with her for lunch tomorrow. And me being me with my weird trust issues I did a tiny bit of digging.

Have you spoken to Sebastian about this?

I spoke to him the other day and he gave me some detail about them but that's not where my trust issues came up. They came up when I went onto Alexia's profile and she's been following Matheo and not just his main public account but also his finsta.

How does she know who he is? We didn't even know who he was before you introduced us after the whole blind date situation. But maybe you shouldn't worry too much, she could've just added him from when you and Matheo kept posting about each other.

I know that I shouldn't worry but are you free tomorrow for lunch? Just in case it all goes wrong. You don't have to if you are busy or if you think it is a terrible idea.

I will be there Eve, you just have to send me the time and address.

Thank you so much Liz you have no idea how much I appreciate this. Anyway, how have you been? we've just spent so much time talking about me It completely slipped my mind to ask how you are?

I've been good, filming takes up a lot of my time but we are currently on a break for a few days which is nice. Having this break helps a lot, especially when you are under so much pressure making a movie like this which so many people are counting on. Being a part of the MCU is great and I wouldn't ever want to leave but sometimes it can get too much, having the love and support from all the fans is what helps me get through it all. They always remind me that Wanda helps them as much as she helps me.

If I could act I would 100% audition for one of the Marvel movies, you guys seem to have so much fun on set and Sebastian is always going on about how much fun he has when filming with all of you. But maybe that's what is so good about us all being friends and having separate careers. We have something to talk about, for example, Mackie loves to bond over my photography and he's always telling me to become a director. And with Sebastian when he comes home we both have different things to talk about and we both don't just say 'ah yes we've just spent the whole day together and we have nothing exciting to share.'

You seem so happy with him and even though we are talking over the phone and I can't see your face I can hear in your voice that you are smiling, probably to the point where your cheeks start to hurt because you've smiled so hard. Do you think he's the one?

Yeah, I think he might be, it's hard to think about my future without him. As much as I love thinking about the future with him I've had some pretty bad experiences when it has come to relationships so I like to stay in the present because you never know what may happen.

I completely understand where you are coming from. He's really happy with you, you're all ever talks about. Whenever he is sat with Chris and Anthony between scenes you can see on his face whenever your name comes up. His eyes light up and he has this smile that is just so different from the one he has when he's talking about other things.

I'm lucky to have him in my life. He's made it a million times better.

No, he's the lucky one. I have an interview to get to, so I will see you tomorrow to make sure Alexia doesn't kill you in public.

Yeah, see you tomorrow Liz.

I will, goodbye Evie.

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