A/N and new Oc's

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Hey guys I know I've been gone for a while, but a lot happened. But that's not what that's about.
I'll update a new chapter next week because that's when I have holidays.
Anyways here are some new characters. Tho they are my own other then the BnHA characters or original story.

Remember I only own my characters and not the characters from the anime or manga. This story is inspired from more then one rehab story.

But I do have my own ideas and more then the original.

Let's begin tho.

1. Timmy ( Villain / friends with Dekus group; not in the league)

Black, short, curly hair
Blue eyes
Light Skin

Sibling/Twin: Emelie

Quirk: Invisibility
Drawback: blurry eyesight for 10mins when he used his quirk for longer then 1 hour

2.Emelie (Villain/ friends with Dekus group; not in the LOV)

black , shoulder length, curly hair
Blue eyes
Light Skin

Sibling/Twin: Timmy

Quirk: Flying
( she can fly but without wings )
Drawback: after one hour she has to land or she will get dizzy or pass out )

3.Fiona (Villain / not part of LOV/ Informant for Deku)

Black, long, wavy hair
Brown eyes
Light Brown Skin (Latina Style)

Quirk: Hotness ( like she can activate it so people fall in love with her)
Drawback: none

Boyfriend: Adam ( she can call him trough an bound)

4. Adam (Villain/ informant for Deku/ not in the LOV)

Brown, short hair
Brown eyes
Dark brown skin ( Darker Latina type)

Special: it's not really a quirk. He is a werewolf and is connected to Fiona. They are together and can call each other)

5.Leni ( Friends with Deku/ in league but on dekus side)

Dark blonde, long, wavy hair
Blue eyes
Light Skin

Sibling: Yasemin

Quirk: Fighting Skills ( once she saw a fighting style, she can use it forever)
Drawback: Headaches

Boyfriend: George

6. Yasemin ( in league/ dekus side; Villain)

Black, shoulder length, straight hair
Yellow eyes
Light Skin

Sibling: Leni

Quirk: sound wave ( she can make sound waves of every sound around her, the louder the sound the stronger the wave)
Drawback : headaches and dry throat

Girlfriend: Mina Ashido ( yes she knows she is dating a villain)

7. George (Hero in training, class 1-B)
A/N: George weasly from Harry Potter ( does not belong to me I'm just taking his character changed in this story)

Ginger, short hair
Brown eyes
Light Skin

Quirk: Teleport (he has to know the place; not being there but knowing it)
Drawbacks: can only teleport three times in a row before having to make a 10 min break

Girlfriend: Leni ( but he doesn't know about her being a villain )

Alright that's it for now. I hope I can update next week ! Stay safe !

~Lunala out

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