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i logged onto the work computer, looking over who had booked in for the day, and if we had any house calls. at work, i answered the phone calls, booked people in, basically kept the place organised. i didn't clean the shop, or cut/style peoples hair. i just handled all the bookings and cancellations. but, for a lot of the day, i sat in the office which was through a hallway, behind a door at the receptionists desk. however, because i've been doing home learning for so long, i managed to get through my work pretty quickly. it only took me an two or three hours to efficiently complete my work. in the back, there was a desk, a little kitchen, the staff bathroom, a couch, and access to the cameras to see when people were coming in. 

plus, a lot of the time my dad let me do my work in the front of the shop, because i was quite organised so i wouldn't make a mess. today was one of those days.

the receptionist desk a lot of desk room, because there was only one iMac on in the middle, a notebook and a pent pot. there was a section where the desk stretched out, without a cover, where i would slide my chair to and turn my computer to face me and book people in. my dad had a client coming in at 8:30, so i just stayed out the front, playing a game on the computer because i couldn't be bothered to start my school just yet. instead, i played fire boy and water girl, by myself, obviously. 

then, a man came in with who i'm guessing was his girlfriend. he was wearing a suit, and she was wearing a tight dress. i quickly closed the game and pulled up the office spread sheet. 

"hi, sir. what can i do for you today?" i asked, enthusiastically smiling. as my dad says, i'm the face of the shop, 'and the face needs to be pretty'.

"carrington." he replied, very bluntly i might add. 

"i'm sorry?"

"that's the name. carrington." he sighed and rolled his eyes when i just looked at him with obvious confusion. of course i knew what he meant! but he was going to talk to me like a person before i helped him. "i have an appointment. listen, sweetheart, i'm already running behind, and if you could just do your job and tap into your little keyboard my name, and get your boss to come and cut my hair, that would be great. luke carrington. go ahead. and while you're at it, have a little look on google, and re-think what you've done here. ok?"

the girl in the tight dress laughed at me, wrapping her self around his arm. i kept the smile on my face, and 'typed his name in my little keyboard', muttering 'of course, sir'. i booked him in, and walked him over to one of the barber chairs. it was my job to prepare him for my dad, so i wrapped a cover around him, whilst ignoring his partners evil look. then, i offered him a drink, which he just swatted me away in response. i was practically steaming from the ears, i was so livid. so, i took myself into the back. i told my dad that his client was here, and that he was a prick, and then sat at the desk. 

i turned my phone on, and noticed i had an instagram dm. because it was a request, i couldn't see who was trying to message me. usually, i just ignore instagram requests because they're typically quite creepy, but for some reason, i was intrigued to check. before checking, i looked at the rest of my notifications. romeo had requested to follow me. this was weird because when i checked just this morning, he was already following me. i accepted his follow request, but declined to follow him back. then, i checked my dms, and saw that the requested message was also from him. i accepted the message. 


hey, what's your current phone number? x




bc i'm pretty sure i don't have it x


i'm not the one who changed my number rome


what's ur deal?


dude u have a girlfriend now, u dont need my number


is that why you unfollowed me? 


i unfollowed u because we broke up two years ago, and its not like u ever talk to me


well that's what i'm trying to change

sorry, my new number is ***** ******



i wasn't sure where to go from there. do i add his number and start texting him? do we become friends again? i wasn't sure i even wanted to be friends with him. his reason for breaking up with me was so stupid. i get if he just didn't like me anymore, but the reason he gave was that because he was in the public eye, he didn't want to risk having a relationship that was public, that could be exposed. i was rolling my eyes just remembering the breakup. but, he was making an effort, possibly to make amends, so, reluctantly, i added his number to my contacts

tegan :)


this is is tegan btw


ik i still have ur number lol

tegan :)

so why did u ask for it hahaha


bc i wanted u to know that i was going to message u again aha

tegan :)


why do u want to message me again?


because i miss you

𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖊 ~ 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔 𝖇𝖊𝖈𝖐𝖍𝖆𝖒حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن