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"that was so good!" i exclaimed, as the credits came on. he laughed and agreed.

"come on, lets get back. you can eat at mine if you want?" he offered. i accepted and we walked back out the screening room. as we waited on a bench outside, romeo texted his mum. i was allowed to have dinner there.

the uber pulled up and we got in. i slowly rested my head on romeos shoulder.
"you tired?" he asked.
"i always get tired after films."
"i'll wake you up." i nodded and slowly fell asleep. when i woke up, we were pulling into their drive. and pulling myself off of his lap. whoops.

he opened the door for me and i was, once again, greeted by their massive house. he announced our arrival and i hugged victoria before he took me up to his room. his room was big, but not too big. the bed wasn't made and his room was quite messy but other than that, he had some clothes on the floor and a tennis racket on his chair.

"so, do you play tennis?" i asked, picking up the racket. he nodded and took it from me. as he took a fake swing, i sat on his bed. "you have a nice room."
"thanks. i think it's quite boring. what's your room like?"
"um, i have a white bed and grey walls. i have a window seat that i usually sit and listen to music at. my closet is quite small but i don't have a lot of clothes. my desk is really messy..." i stopped because i realised i was rambling and romeo was starring at me. "sorry, i'm rambling."
"i think it's quite cute, like you."

𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖊 ~ 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔 𝖇𝖊𝖈𝖐𝖍𝖆𝖒Where stories live. Discover now