33. Long story

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Chapter 33: Long story

Mia's POV


Nothing had ever been as entertaining as hearing about Layla and Theo's aunt Nina, or, as I liked to call her, aunt Petunia.

I liked to think of myself as a nice person, as one who did not judge people without even getting to know them. Let's just say that aunt Petunia was certainly an exception.

I still could not get over the weird crush she had on Theo, and when he came to me all disturbed after having gone bra shopping with her, I could not help but laugh harder than I ever had before. 

"Well, at least something good came out of it," Theo said after he waited for me to finish from my fit of laughter. "At least I got you laughing."

I smiled at his words, adoring the fact that he was always so genuinely sweet.

"Since when did we get all sappy?" I asked, making him roll my eyes at me. 

"Just enjoy it while it lasts," he replied, making me shake my head at him with a smile. 

I was glad that Theo was no longer grounded and that we could actually talk during winter break. Once school started again for me, chances were that I was not going to be having enough time to talk to him. Normally, I started studying for my exams once January hit, wanting to ensure that I was at the top of my game. 

There was nothing I could do when it came to math, but at least I knew that I would not end up failing all of my other classes. 

Sometimes I found myself jealous of Theo. He was so clever when it came to math and physics. Honestly, he was just clever in general. Yet, he did not spend his days locked up in his room surrounded by books like I did. He went out and had fun, and still was incredible at school. I was overly proud of him, that much was certain, but I wished that I could at least have half of his natural intelligence. 

"How's break going?" I asked him, knowing that he could use a break from talking about bra shopping. 

"Well, It's giving me a lot of time to talk to my girlfriend, so I'd say incredible," he said before flashing me a grin. 

"Cute and charming, guess I got lucky," I teased as he stuck his tongue out at me. 

"Of course you did, do you know how many girls would only dream of having me look at them?" he cockily said.

I was never going to admit it, but I could feel a pang of jealousy at his words. There were probably so many gorgeous girls surrounding him, while he was stuck with a girl who he could not even physically see. My biggest fear was that he would realise that this was not the relationship that he wanted, and eventually try to find a way out of it. 

"Please, don't let me ruin their dreams then," I said, finding amusement in how his eyes suddenly widened before he cleared his throat. 

"Did I say girls dream of having me look at them? I meant birds dreaming of having me lock them. Yeah. In a cage."

I scrunched my eyebrows at his words as he cringed at himself and looked at me with a pink tint on his cheeks, the blush making him look that much cuter. 

"I'd rather hear you say that you looked at girls rather than that you locked a bird in a cage. Poor bird," I said, making him laugh. 

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. There's no birds, and no girls. How can I look at any other girl when I have the most incredible one right here," he said, making me have to fight the urge to break out into a grin.

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