Chapter 79

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I'm sorry YN- Santo said

What you sorry for?- I asked

I'm just sorry- Santo said

About what?- I Asked

Bc your always right. Your perfect- Santo said

No I'm not- I said

You are, too perfect for me. I don't want perfect, so we need to separate- Santo said

What!?- I said tearing

We need to separate- Santo said

You really breaking up wit me?- I asked

Yeah, bc your too perfect- Santo said

You fucking serious? After all that I've done for you, you don't love me no more!?- I yelled

No! YN, your too perfect- Santo said

Who is she?- I yelled

Someone not as perfect as you- Santo said

I fucking hate you!- I yelled crying hysterically

YN!- I heard someone call my name

Santo no! Please noo!- I cried falling to my knees

YN stop begging for his forgiveness, he'll forgive you if he loves you- A faded voice spoke

YN, get up! YN! Wake up!- I heard Anthony yell


I woke up n Anthony was sitting next to me

He looked into my eyes, n down at my clothes

What did he do to you?- Anthony asked holding me in his arms

I cried holding him tight. After a couple minutes of me crying I was able to talk n I was sweating n wet

Are you okay?- Anthony asked rubbing my head

Idk- I said trying not to cry

Mariah brought a cold cloth n wiped my forehead n arms

You don't think you are, you shouldn't be crying in your sleep YN- Anthony said

I was crying?- I asked

Yeah- Anthony said

Bad dream- I said

What is going on between you n Santo? You were begging him, for what?- Anthony asked

Not to break up wit me- I said starting to cry again

Don't cry- Mariah said wiping my eyes

Why would he do that? He loves you- Anthony said

Bc I'm too perfect- I said

In reality, sis- Anthony said

Idk, exactly- I said

What might it be?- Mariah asked

First of all, we were fussing about last night, I told him it was not the place n time to be talking about any of that n walked away- I said

Typical you- Anthony said

He came back in, said he was leaving. Kissed me on mu forehead n left- I said

Why'd he leave? Where tf was he going?- Mariah asked

He said home to think about some things, but he was so upset all I could think was he's gonna break up wit me bc of the shit that happened last weekend- I said

The lap dance you gave Ja'Nae?- Anthony asked

Yeah- I said

I thought he was over that?- Mariah asked

I shrugged- He's obviously stressin you out, so keep distance- Anthony said

Okay- I said

From everyone- Mariah said

Who's everyone?- I asked

Santo, Ja'Nae, Day Day, Jacob, Chad, Kalithe, Lyla. Everyone who's associated wit him, stay in your circle n out of sight of him- Mariah said

Okay- I said

Mostly him- Anthony said

Okay- I said

Now, lay down. Your head probably hurts from crying- Anthony said

My head always hurts- I said

Not good- Mariah said

I know- I laughed curling up

Rise&GrindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora