Chapter 11

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Ma- I yelled walking thru the house

In my room!- She yelled

I went to her room n layed on her bed

Where's Star?- I asked

She went to the mall- Christiana said

For what?- I asked

Tonight. You not going to ya lil gf's party?- Wayne asked

Tryna be funny?- I asked

Isn't it the truth?- Christiana asked

That's none of y'all business- I said

I understand son- Wayne said

Whatever. Anyway I have to go- I said standing up

Why? You don't have to!- Christiana said

I can make you stay your ass home for poppin on Isaiah- Wayne said

Forget it, good bye- I said walking out the room

I went upto my room n turned my TV on


Me: Hey, YN

YN: Hey, Santo

Me: You leave yet?

YN: Yeah, I'm wit my planner n Aaliya

Me: I thought you said you had to change?

YN: I did, I have to practice when I get there

Me: What you practicing?

YN: None of your business!

Me: Really?

YN: Yeah, you'll find out what I'm practicing later

Me: What if I'm late n miss it!?

YN: Don't say that! Try not to be late

Me: I will

YN: Get some sleep, i know you got jetlag bc I do

Me: Hell yeah

YN: I callz you later, try not to be so black

Me: (laughed) Lmfao, I ain't, imma be early

YN: Your the best

Me: Thank you

YN: I'll see you?

Me: Hell yeah


You home?- Star asked putting her bags down

Yeah, I'm tired asf. Leave me alone- I said rolling over

Wait, what happen wit YN?- Star asked

You so nosy- I chuckled as she layed on my back

Awww, Santo!- Star said

What?- I laughed

I'm not stupid- Star said

Whatever- I said

You really like her?- Star asked

Yeah. I got to know learn a lot about her in the past 2days- I said

Y'all have been together since y'all met pretty much, right?- Star asked

Yeah, haven't been apart at least 10hrs outta 72- I said

Awww, Santo!- Star said

Stop 'awww'ing, your so fucking annoying yo- I rolled my eyes

It's okay, but I'm happy for you- Star said

Thanks. I'm tired, can I go to sleep now?- I asked putting my phone down

I'm tired too- Star said

So get off me- I said

Noo! I'm comfortable- Star said

Ard, whatever- I said


You been practicing our dance, LiLi- I asked

Yup! I'm really good too- LiLi said

Great! We gonna practice when we get there, on the dance floor. Okay?- I said

Okay- LiLi said

Did Mommy show you a picture of your dresses?- I asked

Noo!- LiLi shook her head

Mommy, is no good- I shook my head

Can I see?- LiLi asked looking at my phone

I don't have a picture, you can see them when we get there- I said

Okay- LiLi said taking pictures on her phone- Sissy, Imma look like you, right?

Yeah, you gonna be LA's Mini Princess!- I said

Yayy!- LiLi danced in her carseat

After you take a nap tho- I said

What? Nooo!- LiLi whined

You are, I am too- I said yawning

Why you so sleepy?- LiLi asked rubbing my thigh

I was up late, Li- I said

Why?- LiLi asked

I was working n got back n was talking to Santo for a really long time- I said

Do you like Santo?- LiLi asked

Yeah- I said

Me too- LiLi giggled

I gasped- Liya!

What?- She giggled

He's mine, back off brat- I said

Maybe- She laughed

Can I tell you a secret?- I asked her

I can't tell no one right?- LiLi asked

Nope! Nope! Not even Papa- I said

What?- LiLi gasped putting her hands on her face

You can't, not until I say to- I said

Okay- LiLi sighed

Pinky promise?- I asked holding out my pinky

Yup!- She said wrapping her pinky on time n we both kissed our hands

I'm taking a picture- I said

Me too- LiLi said picking up her phone

We both took a picture- Don't tell our secret- I said

I won't- LiLi said

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