Chapter 42

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Everything is i guess going good between us now, my mom apologied. My dad apologied n kneeled to his Princess. Respect given, not that it was ever gone but imma chill wit the talking back. Anthony slapped life outta me n yelled at me on the low

Sis, Santo coming?- Ant asked

Is he?

Papa?- I asked

Yeah, he's on his way- Aug said

Okayy- I said

She hype!- Nicki laughed

Brat- Aug said

She misses her Bae- Nicki said

Know she do- Anthony said

Would y'all please?- I shook my head

Awww, he's here YN!- Mariah said

I saw numerous people walk in, I got a little nervous but whateva!

Sissy!- Liy screamed running to me

Hey, baby!- I said catching her

Your back- Liya said

I never left, I tried- I said

Don't, okay?- Liya asked

Okay- I said

Pumpkin, come give Papa kisses!- Aug said

I put her down n she ran over to my dad

Hey- I said walking off the set

I saw Day Day, some girl, Drew but not Santo

Hey, YN- Day Day said hugging me

Hey, Day- I said- Hey, love- I said hugging the unknown girl

Hi, you look so pretty!- Lyla said

Thanks- I said

YN, that's my sister Lyla- Day Day said

How many of y'all is there?- I asked

Just 3- Lyla Said

Oh okay!- I said - Nice to meet you

You too- Lyla said

Hey, Uncle Drew- I said hugging him

Hey, YN- He said hugging me

You talk to dad?- I asked still hugging me

He told me bout your ass, we ain't get to finish tho- Fizz said in my ear

Okay- I said

You fixed your attitude right?- Fizz asked letting me go

I'm still in LA, ain't I?- I asked

Fizz shook his head n walked away

Hey, YN- Santo said

Hey, Babe- I said hugging him

Did you make it?- Santo asked

Barely- I said

Santo chuckled- Here, these for my baby- He said handing me pink roses

Ooh, thank you babe- I said kissing him

Your welcome- Santo said

Ooh, your her?- Lyla asked

I'm who?- I asked turning around

My girl, that's who- Santo said pecking my lips

Oh!- I blushed

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