Chapter 61

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How long you been up?- Kalithe asked laying on my bed

Idk, I didn't check the time. Idek what time it is nigga- I said moving my head so I could see in the bathroom

YN is a fucking clown, twerking in the bathroom

It's 9:30 stup, what we doing to today?- Kalithe asked

Idfk- I said

His phone rang- The ring tones- I laughed

My lil cousins be playing wit my phone- He said

Don't answer it- I said watching YN dance

I'm not, you wanna hear this old ass song?- Kalithe asked

BBE Challenge will never get old- I said- You missed a beat

Shut up- YN laughed hoping out the bathroom

Oh shit, you here?- Kalithe asked

Yeah, you don't want me to be?- YN asked laying in between us

Idc, I just ain't know you was there- Kalithe said

Oh. Entertainment make a nigga focus- YN said

Damn sure do- I said

I'm bored- Kalithe said

What you doing today, babe?- Santo asked

Uh! I have a food tasting at 10 n shopping, then I have to pick up my fabric n buy accessories for Tay n then meet up wit Kenzo n do more shopping- YN said

What she doing wit fabric n accessories?- Kalithe asked

I'm making her a dress- YN said

You never showed it to me- I said

I did it in the car, I don't think I even sent it to my phone- YN said

You should go do it- I said

I'll send it to you, I have to go- YN said jumping off the bed- Shit!

Did you just jump?- Kalithe asked

Yeah, the bed is high- YN said

Short girls- Kalithe laughed

Facts- I laughed

YN went in my closet n got her shoes n picked up her shoes

You came in my room wit your shoes on?- I asked

Yeah, I didn't step on your rug. Calm your tits- YN said

Calm your tits? Damnnn- Kalithe laughed

YN come here- I said

Nope- YN laughed

I sat up- I'm not running from you, my ankle hurts- YN giggled

Why?- I asked

It might be factured- YN said

Did you go to the hospital?- Kalithe asked

It's not that serious, I'll see y'all later- YN said

Get your ass in here- I said

Yes?- YN asked

Is your ankle swollen?- I asked

Yeah, a lil bit. I guess- YN said

Sure it's not a pinched nerve?- I asked

Mariah said it was fractured- YN said

She's a?- I asked

Going to school for nursing- YN said

Nd she didn't tell you to get X-Rays?- I asked looking at her ankle

She did, but I'm not- YN said

Your so hard headed- I said

I know- YN said

What you scared of hospitals?- Kalithe asked

No, they're just a waiste of time. N I'll be all over TMZ, ain't no body got time for that- YN said

Your going, imma take you later. No heels- I said

Yeah, okay- YN said

I'll see you later- I said kissing her

Definitely- YN said


I got back to the house, showered n got dressed.

Ani, Riah!- I yelled

You ready?- Mariah asked

I'm coming- Ani said

Come on, I'm already late- I said running downstairs

We got out the car n got in my Mercedes n left

If you don't slow down- Ani said

I don't wanna be late, you can only be 15mins late n it's hard to schedule appointments- I said

Shouldn't have went to see bae- Ani said

I had to- I laughed

Red light- Ani said

It was yellow- I said

Dollar signs- Ani said

LA is no joke- Mariah said

Idc- I said

We got there n rushed inside. We were seated in the dining room area

What happen to your nails?- Ani asked

I got into a fight last night- I said

Oh my gosh- Mariah said

You serious?- Ani asked

I know, imma get them done later- I said

Different color?- Ani asked

Black n white- I said

No exotic colors?- Mariah asked

I shook my head- Oh, Ani. I ordered Angi a carseat n stroller it's gonna be here Sunday. And once you find out what your having, imma order the carseat n everything- I said

I know what I'm having- Mariah said

Why don't I?- I asked

Bc we didn't tell anyone yet- Mariah said

We? Anthony knows n he ain't tell me?- I asked

Yeah, why wouldn't he?- Mariah asked

Imma have to beat his ass- I said

He's not gonna tell you- Mariah said

Imma have to beat it out of him- I said

I wanna announce tomorrow- Mariah said

Why don't you tell me now?- I asked

Noo- Mariah giggled as they layed down plates in front of us

I remember when I was pregnant wit Angi n Aaron wouldn't tell you what we was havin- Ani laughed

What you do YN?- Mariah asked

Tell her- YN said

She first of all barked on him- Ani said

Oh lord- Mariah laughed

Then, she dragged him out of our bed n was choking him- Ani laughed

I almost cut off his ponytail bc he ripped my shirt trying to get me against the wall- I said

You have no chill- Mariah laughed

He told me!- I said

Watchin y'all was like the funniest thing ever yo- Ani said

And you let them??- Mariah asked

I ain't get into they stuff- Ani said

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