Chapter 24

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Im on Instagram n I see pictures of YN n some girl holding hand n laughing. I couldn't help but get jealous. My girl was lookin right, the other one is too but looks familiar as hell

How was your date?- I asked

It wasn't a date- YN said

You sure? Not what IG is saying- I said

Yeah, Instagram wasn't there. Nd I'm telling you, it was not a date- YN said

Y'all kissed- I said showing her my phone

That doesn't mean it was a date n she kissed me- YN said

So you just go out wit so called friends, n kiss them at the end of the night? Then say it wasn't what it was? Is that was it is, YN?- I asked

I've been on 3 dates n tonight was not one of them, I told her specifically that it wasn't n excepted the fact she just wanted to see me- YN said

Was I one of those 3? Or did you say it wasn't after we kissed n I took you to work?- I asked

You were 2 of those 3 Santo. You should stop being an asshole, you're really pissing me off- YN said looking aggriating playing wit her nails

You should really stop tryna play me, I don't want my heart broken again. You know the feelings I have for you, n I don't want my feelings to be toyed wit, yo- I said

I'm not gonna do that to you! I'm not that kind of person, it's happened to me before, right in front of my face n it still hurts. I would never do it to you, I don't want you to feel how I have been the last few days- YN said as tears ran my face

I sat up n wiped her eyes, I kinda feel bad now. She's been trying her hardest to move forward n I'm not helping her as a friend

I'm sorry- I said rubbing her back

YN cried n sniffled on my shoulder for about 5mins, the girls brought their toys in n I sent them out

You okay now?- I asked

Yeah, thanks- YN said wiping her face

I don't like seeing you cry, you look pretty but I don't like it- I said

YN giggled n smiled- Thanks, love

If you need anyone to talk to just hmu, I know you have Amina but still- I said

Amina never liked Nay so she wouldn't be my first option- YN said

Kenzo?- I asked

I always talk to Kenzo, but do you not want me to talk to you?- YN asked

I don't mind, but you have friends thag you've known longer than you've known me- I said

Honestly n loyalty is all I want- YN said

Same wit me, I want you to be 100% honest wit me bc that's all I am to you- I said

I can definitely do that- YN said

From this second foward, 100% honesty?- I asked

Hell yeah- YN said

Ard. So tell me, you kiss that girl back?- I asked

Yes- YN said

You like her?- I asked

No, I just got caught up in the moment- YN said

No, I just got caught up in the moment- I mimicked her

YN laughed- I don't even sound like that

Yeah you do!- I said

No I don't Santo- YN shook her head

Mmhmm!- I laughed then kissed her

YN leaned foward n deepend the kiss

Can we play now?- LiLi asked

YN pulled away from the kiss n nodded touching her lip, I smiled n licked my lip

Minty- I chuckled

Sissy, Papa wants you- LiLi said

What I do?- YN groaned sliding off the bed


Si, Papa?- I asked skipping in their room

You okay?- Aug asked

Yeah, why you say that?- I asked

I heard you crying- August said

Oh! Yeahh, I'm fine- I said

You sure?- Aug asked

Yeah- I nodded

Who you up their wit?- Aug asked

The girls n Santo- I said

Okay- Aug said

That's it?- I asked

Yeah, get back to ya lil bf- Aug said

He's not my bf, but okay- I laughed

Then what is he?- Aug asked

My friend- I said

Eww, I don't want you kissing your friends, YN- Aug said

I'm not, Papa! Mind ya business!- I said

Whatever- Aug said

Anthony!- I yelled

What? Stop yelling my name- Anthony said

Where's my pill?- I asked

It broke- Anthony said

Your joking right?- I Asked

Anthony shook his head digging in the cabinets

Can I kill you now or later?- I asked

Why you killing me? I was just playing, damn!- Anthony said

Where is it?- I asked

In my room- Anthony said

I'm not going in there- I said

Then you don't need it, I have to go- Anthony said

Does Mariah know where it is?- I asked

She's asleep, just go get it. My room is clean- I said

Is it really?- I asked

A lil bit- Ant laughed

Kay, thanks- I said

Mmhm!- Anthony said

Do you need anything, Princess Alsina?- our butler asked

Can you bring up fruits, chocolate, chocolate milk n soda?- I smiled

Yes, of course- He said

Thanks, love- I said walking up the stairs

I went back in my room- Your back- Santo said

Yus!- I said climbing on my bed

I gotta go potty!- Taylor said

Liya, show her the bathroom- I said

Okay, come on Taylor- LiLi said standing up

How old is Aaliya?- Santo asked

3- I said

She small, like her sister- Santo chuckled

Funny!- I laughed

Santo chuckled- I'm normal size, foh- I said

Lemme see you get on the bed- Santo said

Shut up!- I laughed going in my closet

I like your ass in dem shorts!- Santo said

Thanks!- I said closing my closet door

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