Chapter 82

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You hungry Princess?- Nicki asked

No- I said

Here, take something to eat- Nicki said handing me cranberries n almonds

Thank you, Mommy- I said

What's wrong baby?- Nicki asked

Idk- I said

Wym you don't know?- Nicki asked

I have a lot of tabs open rn, I'm so everywhere- I said

Nicki laughed- Close some tab baby

I'm trying to Mommy! I can't- I laughed

Wassup wit the main tab?- Nicki asked

Santo forgiving me- I said

What he have to forgive you for?- Nicki asked

Lyin to him, I was too scared to tell him the truth bc the truth hurts- I said

He forgave you?- Nicki asked

Yeah, I guess- I said

Aye, sometimes you'll make mistakes your not perfect. Wheather your mistake hurts yourself or someone else it's a mistake n you apologized?- Nicki asked

Soo many times- I said

I know you was crying, you still got tears left? You been crying a lot lately- Nicki said rubbing my forehead

I giggled- Mommy I ain't runnin out of tears

I know, me either- Nicki said

I'm just overwhelmed, stressed n still getting over Aaron too- I said

You miss him don't you?- Nicki asked

Yeah, so much- I said

You cry more than Angi- Nicki laughed

I'm not crying as much so I'm getting over the whole situation but slowly. The image when he flat lined, the image of him in the casket is so scaring I loose my mind whenever I think about it. And knowing I couldn't do anything to help him, makes me feel even worse- I said

Don't cry, he's in a better place now, better than all of us- Nicki said

Mommy I feel so bad, if he was me, he would have burned LA figuring out what trifling mf did that to me. And I can't even do it for him, I want him here to marry his fiancée n raise his daughter- I said

I know you do babygirl- Nicki said

I wanted him there for my clothing line release n fashion show, ugh!- I said rubbing my eyes

He's gonna be there in spirit, stop rubbing your eyes- My mom said holding my wrist

I sighed holding back the tears- He said he's sorry

What?- Nicki asked

He said he's sorry for everything he's done, he'll never forgive himself for abandoning n hurting his friends n little family he had- I said

YN you okay?- Nicki asked

He said to guard the life of his babygirl n watch who enters her life. Not to have her around all the people we've had her around n she will be okay. He apologies to Arianna for leaving her alone to raise their child, but sends two angels to help her in the process. He apologies to YN n Kenzo for leaving behind childhood memories n so much pain, but thanks them both for the large piece of their heartd they keep him in. But also thanks them, for being the bestest friends, the only brother n sister he's had, his first loves n for making him the person he remains. He'd like to applauded YN, his little sister for her achievements n success, he's proud of her n saw it coming, he knew she could do it as long as she put her mind to it. He'd like to also congratulate his brother, Kenzo, for his engagement n achievements n his little one he'd soon to meet. For now he'll love him n protect him like his own until he is able to join you all in the physical world. He once again apologies for his absence but will protect n look down upon you all. He loves you all dearly, until next time. It's time to say goodbye to yesterday

YN!- My mom was crying shaking me

Huh?- I asked opening my eyes

There was a lot of ppl around me n cameras, my mom cried covering me

I was lost for second then started crying


Yo, you talk to YN?- Anthony asked

No, you just woke me up- I said

My fault bro- Anthony said

Wassup, everything okay?- I asked

I'm hoping. Ani just came in my room crying her fucking eyes out- Anthony said

For what!?- I asked

Idfk mane- Anthony said

You want me to come over there?- I asked

Nah, come by in the morning- Anthony said

Ight, I'll be there first thing- I said

Okay- Anthony said


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