Chapter 4 - Deputy Kekkonen

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Lisa was still with Kat two days later when Deputy Kekkonen arrived. The time had gone well. Kat was sure Lisa had been with a woman before. It wasn't so much what she did or didn't do, it was the confidence with which she did it. Confidence, and comfort. Ease. She'd see Kat across the great room, and there'd be a knowing smile. They'd pass in the hallway and she'd touch Kat's cheek, or play a bit with her hair. She'd continued to cook for Kat, but now she kissed the top of Kat's head as she put the food before her.

And they talked. In bed, on the couch by the fireplace, seated close at meals. Wine helped, but it was not required. Lisa talked about growing up in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan – the UP. She called herself a Yooper, and laughed about it. There was school, there were jobs, there were boys. Small towns shrinking each year. Old friends moving off to new lives. Her move south of the state line into the northern fringes of Wisconsin. "I didn't get very far, did I?"

Kat talked about her business. Outdoor experiences for women. Too cold in January, but she would start her workshops again in February. Weekend workshops. Friday arrivals, Sunday departures. It worked. Repeat customers. Most of the twelve slots filled for each workshop.

One evening she almost talked about the bar and the girl. She got the first couple words out and realized she wasn't ready yet. She had a vision of those bare feet and bare legs still up in the car, and her throat closed up. Too early to talk about that, even to a friend.

They were still in bed when Kekkonen arrived. Massages had helped Kat's back, but the bruises had been severe, and she still had pain if she moved much. So she lay on her back, hands at her side. Lisa was careful when she touched Kat. Even after she heard Kat's breathing change, and she knew her to be awake, she moved slowly and touched lightly. Her fingers played a bit with the hair falling across Kat's face, then slid down to her cheek. She leaned over and kissed her then. And she let her hand find Kat's breasts. By the second morning Lisa knew where Kat wanted her hand, and she went there.

Lisa had raised herself over Kat, and was smiling down into her face, when they heard the squad car. Frost formed on the asphalt drive each morning. So they heard a crunch first, then a squeal as the tires turned an arc across the drive and to the front door. There was a pause, and then they heard a car door open.

Lisa was quick to get out of bed. She had found a satin robe among Kat's things, and pulled that on as she went to the door. Kat lay in bed and listened. When she heard Kekkonen's voice, she slowly slid out of bed, carefully straightened her back, and pulled on a robe of her own. Satin. Kekkonen was going to get an eye full. But satin felt best on her back. And, it was her house.

"Good morning, Dave."

"Hi. Kat." The deputy was holding a large envelope. Forms? Pictures? Kat hoped there would be no pictures.

"Have you met Lisa Wallace?" Kat motioned to Lisa. Lisa had backed well away from the door, and in fact was now partially behind Kat.

"Yes, but it's been a while." He nodded to Lisa. His expression was "official." No smile. No frown. No expression at all. But a long look. Lisa pulled her robe tighter around herself.

"Would you like some coffee?"

Dave nodded, and Kat led the way back to the kitchen. Dave had been in the lodge multiple times, for multiple reasons. Even when the reasons involved Kat as a crime suspect, Kat offered coffee. It set the stage for more informal conversation. Kat also did it out of respect for Dave. She was five eleven. He was five eight. When they sat across from each other, they were the same height. Her years working with him had taught her he was worth the effort.

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