Chapter 36 - BFF

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Dave Kekkonen drove up early Monday morning. Kat had stripped all ten beds, plus her own, and was deep into weekly laundry. She invited him in, and they sat in a very noisy kitchen drinking their coffee. He had something to show her.

"You asked about the label in Kayli's dress. The detectives took pictures. Here's what they found."

He pushed a sheet of paper across the table to Kat. Even before it reached her, she could see it didn't say "McKisson." She set it beside her coffee mug. "BFF"

"I should apologize to your detectives. I was sure it would say McKisson."

"You were wrong about the name, but right to check the label. The detectives paid no attention to it at all. Just one more dress label to them."

"And BFF? Have you checked? Some store brand?"

"Bonnie and I have both checked. We can't find it on any website. Bonnie thought a competitor to ETSY. Maybe some Chinese or Bangladeshi outfit. None that we can find. Any ideas?" Dave sipped his coffee and waited. He was a patient man.

"I'll check, probably surf the same websites you did. It's not a brand I know. But then, I'm not twelve. Probably some influencer adults have never heard of."


Dave waited, sipped his coffee, then finally left. Kat walked him to her door, promising to get back to him if she thought of anything.

She was lying. Did he know that? Or did he trust her to tell him when she was ready?

Kat folded some sheets as they came out of the drier. She ran through her options as she stacked the sheets. They all began the same way. She would drive to Pembine and have a conversation. What happened after that conversation? Well, many things could happen. She would wait to see. First, she needed to talk to a girl in Pembine. A BFF. This BFF would put the pieces together for her.

Kat finished the sheets, rehearsed the questions she would ask, and then backed out her bus. Ten minutes later, Kat was parking outside McKisson Tailoring. And Fashions. Mom was right at the door.

"Did you come back for some tailoring?" Saleslady smile. Confident she already knew the answer. Kat walked past her, and carried one of the customer chairs over to where Olivia sat.

"I came to talk with Olivia about Kayli."

Mom was instantly at Kat's shoulder, none too happy. Olivia looked briefly at Kat, then at her mother, then at the floor. She wrapped her arms around her chest and started crying. With every tear she seemed to shrink. Kat was tempted to reach out and comfort her, but her mother pulled her out of her chair and took her into another part of the house.

Kat waited. She had finally established a connection between Kayli and one other person in the world. If need be, Dave and the detectives could take the next steps, but Kat was hoping Olivia would talk to her. It would be faster, and easier. And maybe simple. The connection was clear. A dress no one was buying. A unique design. A girl who sewed. Olivia had made the dress for Kayli – her BFF. All Kat wanted now was a last name for the BFF.

Mom came back alone. Angry. Upset. She might not know what was going on, but she knew her daughter was crying. She stared at Kat. And she seemed to grow a bit. If needed, she would fight for her daughter.

"She doesn't need to talk to you." Mom might be confused, but she knew her rights.

"No, she doesn't." Kat stayed in the chair by the sewing machine. She sat still, relaxed, her body language saying she was not a threat. She kept her voice calm. "I am hoping she will tell me about a friend of hers. Your daughter has committed no crime. I am just trying to find the home of a girl your daughter knows."

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