Chapter 11- Loki's POV

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Author's Note: If you don't like heavy romance, do NOT read this chapter. I try to keep things PG-13, so sorry to the R-rating lovers. I'm trying to not cross the "mature" border, and besides, I'm not very good with anything above heavy romance and would rather not waste your time on my amateur writing.


Loki paced in his room, waiting for Elin to arrive. She'd be there any minute. He'd sent a guard to fetch her, and he had told them to tell her that he needed her help.

Of course, he didn't need her help.

He had a plan. As always.

Anger boiled inside of him as the twisted, wicked joy seeped in. Thor wouldn't go without having vengeance taken upon him. 

This was Loki's vengeance. This was Loki's sweet, sweet revenge.

A soft knock came on his door. 

Loki sprang to his feet, smiling as he opened it. Elin appeared so open, so honest, that he almost felt bad doing what he was about to do.

No. He told himself. No, I've waited too long for anything else.

"Come in," he said. "Thank you for coming so quickly. That makes everything so much easier,"

"Oh, it's fine," she replied. "What is it that you needed me for?"

Loki prepared himself, closing the door behind her and turning to her with a grin on his face.

"...trick..?" she smirked.

"Oh, absolutely not," he said sarcastically. 

From his palm emitted a green light. Elin didn't seem to notice until he lifted his hand to her forehead, pressing his fingers against her skin ever so lightly. Her eyes lost their expression, then came back, her eyes iris' turning emerald green. Loki grinned, already feeling his hands itching with desire.

He quickly turned and locked the door, his now-bewitched Elin eyeing him with a small, flirty smile on her face.

"It's a simple spell, really," he assured her quietly. "It won't hurt you in the slightest... though you most definitely will not remember what is about to happen,"

Elin grinned and bat her eyelashes, throwing him into a state of dizziness. 

"So be it, then," she replied.

Loki turned back to her, moving to his entryway and leaning against a wall, arms crossed and legs slightly opened. Elin crept towards him immediately, looking him up and down.

"You've been planning this," she stated.

"Yes," he replied softly, his gaze locked on the way her hips swayed as she stepped towards him.

"Tell me, Loki," she reached out, snaking her arms around his neck, one of her hands shooting into his jet black hair. Loki tensed up, forcing himself to be patient. "What is it that you want from me?"

His mouth curved into a twisted grin. "Everything," he replied softly.

Elin grinned in return, her arms sliding onto his shoulders and feeling their way down his biceps. Wicked desire filled his chest. Just a tad bit longer of waiting... just a little bit... and she would be his.

"Do I please the god of mischief?" she asked slowly.

"Oh, much more than that," he replied, forcing his hands to stay folded as her hands fell down to his waist. "You enchant me... you provoke my desires, my darling Elin,"

"Are you suggesting that you want me, Loki?" she questioned, her eyes feasting upon the sight of his muscular arms and chest.

"My whole being screams for you," he whispered. 

Elin stopped, pulling her hands off of him. She gave a pointed look at his folded arms.

"Prove it," she demanded roughly.

Finally, he could no longer wait. Loki's hands jutted out, flying to her waist and soaking in the feeling of her beautiful skin under his palms. He let his hands caress her sides and trail around her back and up her spine, taking in the feeling of her body.

Elin grinned and pressed her hands to his chest, flattening herself against him.

Their noses brushed together.

How he longed to kiss her, right then and there, but he had to wait. He knew it would taste much better later when his desires were at their max.

He instead kissed her cheek, just as his brother had, and worked his way up to her cheekbone. Every once in a while, he would nip at her or rub his tongue against her skin, and in which case she'd press herself harder against him, a form of begging him to continue. He chuckled lightly, speaking into her ear softly.

"Your eyes must be decendent of the sapphire heavens, for they encapsulate me in ways that are unknowable to us mere Asgardians," he murmured. "Your tender, sturdy hands like hard, working stone turn to velvet with only a touch on my unworthy skin. I do not deserve you, yet here you are, allowing me to speak to you in such intimate tones. My unholy heart beats only for you, my love, my warrior, my nine realms and above, my heart and soul, my Elin Troysdottir. I promise you nothing but undying fidelity, constancy, devotion, and relentless loyalty, for I feel sentimentality only in your presence,"

Loki's desire took over his body as he moved down to her jaw and began the same process there. While he was busy kissing her, he swept her up and carried her to a plush sofa, sitting down and holding her in his lap as he pressed his lips against her neck. 

He wanted to stop there, but he simply couldn't. The feeling was too strong, and the desire was stronger. He had waited and waited and waited and waited for that very moment, and he wanted to keep it as long as the gods would let him.

Keep it.

Keep her. 

That was it.

Loki drew back. Elin's hand grasped his hair and attempted to force him back to her neck, but he chuckled and still backed up. Perplexed, Elin examined him.

"Have I displeased you?" she asked tenderly.

"Oh, not at all," he growled hungrily. "You will be mine, my dearest," 

Elin grinned, flattered. "What must I do to be yours, my love?"

Hearing her call him her love only pricked at his heartstrings, enforcing his decision. He lifted his hand to her forehead once again.

"In reality, you believe you are forever tied to my brother," he whispered. "But it is my only goal to rip that belief from you and turn you into my own,"

"What does that entail?" she asked curiously.

Loki's hands lit up in an emerald flame again. "You will dream of no one but me until you lose yourself in love," he declared. "You. Will. Be. Mine,"

He pressed his palm to her forehead, unable to stop fantasizing.

She would be his. She would be his. She would be his.

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