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"So let me get this straight,"

I watched as the man called Nick Fury paced around his office.

"What you're trying to tell me is there was a full-on drama show up on Asgard because two boys loved the same girl?" he asked incredulously.

"Kinda. Yeah. But the whole thing with Jotunheim and Thor getting banished... that wasn't because of the rivalry, that was because Thor was an idiot," I explained.

"I see," Nick Fury nodded, sitting back down at his desk. "That explains just about everything,"

"Great," I replied. "Is there anything else that you'd like from me?"

Nick Fury smirked. "You know, Ms. Troysdottir, SHIELD is always recruiting agents like you, and since it sounds like you're going to be here a while, I'd say it wouldn't hurt to look into it. We could probably help you find a temporary living situation as well,"

I gave a small smile and nodded. "That's very kind of you, but I don't know a thing about SHIELD, much less anything about this realm,"

"Well, for starters," Nick Fury reached into his desk and pulled out a file, sliding it across the desk. A glint of an undefinable emotion flickered in his eyes. "I think you'd do very good if you decided to look into a little thing we call the Avenger Initiative,"

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