Chapter 15- Armor

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Author's Note: Here is another sword for your entertainment. I don't own it. View it as you please or don't view it at all. Thank you. Have a good day.


I curled up in a ball, sobbing my eyes out on the floor. So much had happened. Too much.

I hated myself for crying. If you get stabbed in battle, do you fall over crying? No. You get back up again. You keep fighting.

But even as I fought to my feet, the tears did not stop. They dripped from my eyes, down my cheeks, down to my chin where they dripped off, and onto the collar of my dress.

I stumbled into my washrooms and wiped off my face, forcing most of the tears to stop. Some of them still escaped my eyes, flooding down and creating a mess of my face and collar. Oh well. Time to ditch the dress.

I entered my closet and pulled out a traditional men's swordplay uniform. It was slightly big on me, but it made me feel like a knight.

Knights didn't cry.

I then quickly changed into the swordplay uniform and wiped off my face one more time. I was a woman, not a little girl.

With a final look in the mirror, I started down the stairs, starting for my training room, attempting to avoid my father. I made it to the room, and slipped through the door, carefully closing it behind me and heading out to the center of the room to warm myself up.

"Lesson number three: never keep secrets from your father,"

I turned swiftly at the sound of Father's voice. He was leaning against the wall, arms crossed. I looked down at my feet in shame.

"One second, a prince was in my household," Father said. "Another, he was gone, and you were nowhere to be found. Has something happened?"

I looked up. Father's cool, calculating eyes shone with a tint of sympathy. 

Because of that, I told him everything.

I told him about Loki getting beaten up by Thor, I told him about Thor's rushing into our relationship, I told him about the dreams and I told him about the past hour.

My father listened the whole time, mute.

"I think you reacted in the best way you could, last hour. You said no. He kept pushing it. You put an end to it and fled the scene. I wouldn't have done anything differently," he said when I was finished. "However, that does not explain your recent interest in his brother,"

"It was these two strange dreams, these crazy dreams," I explained. "I don't know what it was, they just felt so real-"

"Perhaps they came because you already had feelings for him and you have just grown used to ignoring them," Father suggested. "You may have loved him at some time, but since he was your best friend, you pushed the feeling down to forget about it, only for it to rise to the surface again in your dreams,"

I considered his opinion. It made sense, but I couldn't remember a time when I had ever loved him...

Then again, I was, like, 1,036 years old. 

"That makes sense," I replied simply.

Father grinned at me. "Had I not I known that you'd be in a bad state when I came to speak to you, I wouldn't have gotten you this,"

He approached the left wall and tapped it a couple of times. A door opened in front of him.

My jaw dropped.

"Come, Elin," he said, beckoning me over. I hurried to his side and peered in.

The room was no bigger than a person, but its contents were magnificent.

"Father, you didn't-" I stammered.

"I knew you'd want it," my father replied dismissively.

In front of me was a suit of armor, clearly designed for a woman. 

I quickly examined it, looking for any sort of flaw. I found none. The whole thing was polished silver, and I loved it tremendously.

Maybe Cas was right. I am a little attracted to inanimate objects. Or at least, more so than Asgardians.

"Try it on," Father prompted.

"Oh, I will," I grinned. "You'll have to leave for that," 

Father kissed my cheek before exiting the room.

"Thank you!" I called after him.

"Your welcome," he replied and closed the door behind him.

Eager, I pulled on the suit, ready to train some more.

It's as I said- If you get stabbed in battle, do you fall over crying? No. You get back up again. And you keep fighting.

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