Grace, what have you done?

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Welcome, I hope you feel at God's love as you journey through this book. I am not writing this book on my own, I have a helper. The one Jesus left to us, The Holy Spirit. Most of what you will find in here are words of hope, grace, and above all the love of God. Some of these words will be from me as the Holy Spirit leads me to write, while others will be compilations from different sources but all for the sole purpose of spreading the love and grace of God. That said, I must clarify that any quotes, photos, videos, sermons and any other media that shall be used or mentioned in this book is certainly not mine (except when said to be so) and all rights are reserved to the owners of said material. I shall not take credit for any of it, I am only making use of the material for the sole purpose of Spreading God's message of grace and love.

Therein, you may find personal testimonies attributed to my life because honestly, i cannot give what i do not have. I am hoping to share God's Love, so I will share my testimonies of HIS wonderful love. It is all for Love, God's Love and His Grace.
See God, see His Grace.
   Yours Faithfully,

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  Scandal of Grace ~ Hillsong United
     Graves into Gardens ~ Elevation Worship
      Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace) ~ Hillsong Worship

         Where can I start?
A testimony would be nice.
On the 15th of August 2020, I encountered  the love of God. It was a typical sunny day, I had woken up late as it was lockdown period so I could get away with sleeping in. Long story short, as I was just lazing around, I received a phone call from my big brother (1 of 3) telling me to go meet him downtown so that he could give me his house keys as he was heading out of town for work and it would be for a while.

   Still in my pyjamas, I hastily pulled on some casual clothes, told mom I was heading out and rushed off. I am not a big fan of the outdoors because I'm quite the introvert and I personally regard walking as a chore so being in a rush only got me panting and fighting for my life. I am saying that because I am a chubby fat girl. Anyhoooo... I get to my brother, we exchange short pleasantries I get the keys and turn back to head home.

     As I'm walking, swinging without a care, I notice that the guy a few steps ahead of me has come to a halt. The man went on to run back where we we're coming from and confused as I was I look a head only to see an out of control truck at full speed coming right at me. I froze, I remember I stared on, not moving just waiting to see what would happen. I could see the truck driver trying so hard to stop but he couldn't and then in an instant, the truck swerved to the other side, hit a motorcyclist then ran him over and the truck crushed into a trench, right before my very eyes.

     I got to walk back home that day, in one piece. I was in shock for several minutes, i only realized the whole ordeal after I got home and told my mom. I remember having tears in my eyes and all hysterical.

     Every time I think of that day, I cannot help but worship God because in all facts, HE saved me, not anybody else, only God. I am here today, alive and healthy only because God's Grace rewrote my story from death to life, and that is my testimony.

   Before that day I knew that there was God, but my relationship with HIM was non existent. I was just a girl living my life like I pleased. I had given my life to Christ yes, but I had went down the hill. I had forgotten about the Great love that first loved me, the love of God. But after that day, I realized just how far God was willing to go for my sake and it just awakened me to His grace.

   I am writing this book because I feel a strong compelling force. I used to write romantic fiction stories back in my high school and I loved writing too much back then but then I got into a situation that broke me so I stopped writing. It has been nearly five long years since I last wrote. I have only started once more because I feel the Holy Spirit of God is pushing me to write this. And I believe I am only able to actually write again because the Spirit is with me and I am so thankful. This is not a script or something that I have stored in my head, it is just me letting the Spirit of God speak through me because God's Love and Grace have got to spread one way or another.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
God, use me.

         Be blessed, Be a blessing

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