For The Battle Belongs To God.

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See A Victory ~ Elevation Worship
Never Lost ~ Tauren Wells & Elevation Worship
God Of Vengeance ~ Minister GUC

We are at war every moment we live in this place we call earth. At all times the devil is waging war on us, Children of God. It is in the spiritual realm, and then it comes in the physical realm. In war, there are battles. It is inevitable, the devil is always looking for a way to kill, steal and destroy because that is his agenda.

And amidst this war that is rigged with battle after battle, we have the best ally. Imagine that the sovereign Lord, the ruler of all that we see, what we hope to see and all that we have never seen, HE is on your side. Well, stop imagining because it is your reality. God above all is on your side, He fights for you, not against you. Wow!

"Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them."
And Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open his eyes so he may see." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha." ~ 2 Kings 6:16-17 NIV

Those that are for us are far much greater than those that are against us. When you are at the battle field, keep that in mind because He is always fighting for you and He can never be defeated. Even before the battle starts, He has already won it for you. Bask in Him, lavish in His goodness because it is all for you. He would give up nations for you without a second thought.

"A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.
" ~ Psalm 91:7

God would rather lose tens of thousands as long as it guarantees that He saves you. He has, He is and He will always go out of His way for you. Do not even for a whiff of a second ever doubt His faithfulness to you.

"The weapon maybe formed but it won't prosper
Whether darkness tries, it won't prevail
Cause the God I serve knows only how to triumph
My God will never fail
I'm gonna see a victory
For the battle belongs to you Lord." ~ See A Victory, Elevation Worship

I love the above song so much. Its a clear promise from God to me, to you. Yes, the weapon is formed because honestly you can't expect the devil to be unarmed. But it being formed does not mean that it will prosper, No! Why? Because our God is not The God that loses any battle. He simply can't afford to fail, failing is cheap and quite frankly, He has expensive taste.

"Never lost"~ Never Lost, Tauren Wells ft Elevation Worship

God has never lost a battle, He has never failed. He has never disappointed me nor has He ever broke a promise He made to me.

"Not only does God never lose a battle, God also never wastes a battle." ~ Tauren Wells

It just means that God uses that which was meant to destroy you to save you.

"You take what the enemy meant for evil and you turn it for good." ~ See a Victory, Elevation Worship.

So many times we get good things out of something that started out bad and we don't even realise that its God's way of turning things around in our favor. For instance, God took the accident that would have destroyed me and He turned it into a testimony. The enemy had plotted to finish me off, I was honestly done for but then God swooped in. He turned a grave, into a garden. He took old stale wine and turned it into new wine. He breathed life into me. That one plot by the devil turned out to be the devil's own undoing.

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