Prince Of Peace

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    Peace Be Still ~ Hope Darst
    Peace ~ Elevation Worship

     "Seek peace and pursue it."

       Peace. One word, one 5 lettered word yet it carries a weight so big. I used to under look the value of peace until I did not have it. When you don't have peace, you are miserable. Without peace, you are unsettled, you become worried, you are all over yourself. The lack of peace, is the beginning of turmoil. You can't do anything good if you have no peace.

      Peace is a sort of glue that holds different aspects of our lives in place. When you have peace, you are happy. With peace, you can work, go about your daily life and give absolute positive results. A peaceful mind is a site for good deeds. When you are at peace mentally, emotionally, physically, socially etc, you find that you can do so much good. Problem is, our peace is constantly being invaded with so many factors which are internal or external.

       I realise now that at given times I invade my own peace. I do that by hoarding negative feelings and thoughts. I keep holding on to negativity, I keep second guessing myself, whether I will be able to claim God's victory for me or whether I will be the person God wants me to be. The self doubt that in turn makes me doubt God's plan for my life.

         As if that is not enough, come the external factors. These can come from all over. It could be the company that you keep, or the routine that you keep seeing around you.. It could be anything that triggers the negative thoughts. All in all, it all starts with negativity. Anger, pain, worry, fear, doubt, bullying, abuse and the likes. A person can only take so much before they lose the peace they have. And with all the negativity going around, the basket becomes too much too soon.

      We need peace, there's no doubt about that. You, me, us.. We need peace. But what kind of peace do we need? The stereotypes will make you think that the peace of the world is what you need but it's not. When we are in the world, the world gives us its own mirage of peace, a peace that comes at a costly price and is by all means timed, it expires.

      You need only one kind of peace. The Heavenly kind, the Jesus peace, the everlasting peace. The peace that let's you sleep soundly while on a boat out at sea with a storm raging. Because in spite of that storm, you are guaranteed a bright and sunny day ahead. That peace, is the only PEACE that matters.

        And what do you know? The Prince of Peace is here for you. Jesus Christ Himself is telling you that He will give you peace.

       "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
" ~ John 14:27 NIV

       Woah!! Ain't that something? Peace, is what He leaves with you. He gives you His own Peace. Like just come to Him, give Him all your burdens and He will exchange them with Peace. The peace of God is one of the first gifts He blessed me with when I came to Him all battered and broken. He took all my baggage, all my insecurities, all my self doubt, all my shame, my pain and hurt, my guilt, He took all that off my shoulders, cast it aside and gave me Peace. He put peace on my shoulders, on my heart, my mind and my lips. He is that efficient and sufficient. He is fast and enough.

         "Swap your effort for God's peace." ~ John Gray

      Take it to God in prayer. Whatever it is that disturbs your peace, just carry it to the Lord. Don't try to work it out on your own, He already worked it out for you and He is more than willing to do it all over again if need be. So swap that baggage for God's peace.

                    He is for you

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