Chapter 14

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Max hugged me tight again. "We can't do that, Sam. Not right now."

I pulled away from him and he looked startled. "Why not?" I said angrily.

"Because I don't want you getting hurt." His was staring at me, his eyes full of worry.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled at him. "I don't think that'll happen. I'm pretty tough ya know."

He smiled back at me and also wrapped his arms around me, but around my waist. "Yes I know. Well this is just perfect then, huh?"

"Yes. Yes it is," I replied.

Max pulled me closer, kissing me first on my forehead, then removed his hands from my waist, placing them on my face and pulling my face closer to his. He kissed me suddenly. This kiss felt the same way as the first one, but somehow better. It could be because we were alone, but it was still warm and compassionate like the first. And I liked it.

"So, Sam," Max started. "Did you wanna go find your parents now or what?"

"Yes, yes I do."


We started down the path, each of us carrying a bow in our hands, arrows ready to be aimed and shot at a target.

"Are we getting close?" I asked Max.

"Yes, and look. The sun is starting to come up."

I looked over my shoulder to see the sun slowly making it's way over the tree tops. The sky seemed as if it was burning; it was a fiery shade of red mixed with some orange and pink.

"It's-it's beautiful," I said.

"Too bad it's going to be horrid weather."


"You mean you've never heard the saying?" My face showed that I was confused, so he continued. "Red skies at night, sailor's delight. Red skies in the morning-"

"Sailor's warning." I finished.

"Oh, so you apparently did know it." Max said. I could see the sun behind him lighting up his black hair, making it look glossy-even though it already was from his sweat. The light also showed the details on his shirt: the tears and rips on it. I could also see bloody in one gash on arm.


"Yeah, Sam?"

"What happened to your arm?"

He looked down to look at his injury. "Oh nothing I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" I was concerned. The cut seemed very deep and looked as if it hurt very bad.

"Yes I'm sure." He smiled. "I'm much more than fine."

"Okay good because-"


"Why do I-"

"Sh they can hear you!" Max's voice was at a whisper suddenly. He dropped down to his knees and crawled to get in a bush. I followed him, trying to minimize the noise I was making by watching for twigs and leaves under my legs. We were right up against each other to make sure we were both safely in the bush out of sight.

"Put him over there," a scruffy voice said in front of us. The man had a mask on so I could not see who it was.

Suddenly two other guys with the same type of mask came into view, holding a captive. The captive's clothes were ripped and torn and he wore a tired, worn out expression. "Just let me go! Where is my wife? What did you do with her?!" he said. All of the sudden I realized who the captive was: it was Dad. They were either going to torture him and then kill him, or kill him and eat him. Either way I didn't want to see this. I buried my face in Max's chest, hoping nothing bad would happen to Dad. Max put a comforting arm around me.

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